Chapter 40

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Sylphrenia was feeling even worse by the time she made it back to her apartment.

Fairy Godmother had arranged for Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother to drive her back after Ben asked Mal to marry him, and that was all the old woman would talk about. The lady had chatted away as Sylphrenia had coughed up more blood (Granny Red hadn't noticed), and her head started throbbing miserably. When they had arrived at the building, Syl was barely able to stagger to her apartment before collapsing onto her bed, throbbing miserably all over.

She had slept for around an hour, according to her clock when she woke up, and Syl felt a combination of soreness, tiredness, and guilt that she hadn't watched the first part of VK day, however she was so tired, she doubted she would be able to pay attention if she was able to walk over to get her remote.

Hot and sweaty beneath her covers, yet still shivering, Syl gave up her pride and reached for her spell book. It took her two tries to open the drawer on the stand next to her bed, and it took her fifteen minutes of resting before she was able to lift the small tome from the bottom of the drawer.

Its blue leather cover was flipped over, and Syl delved through the pages, pausing halfway through to cough up more blood, splattering some on her covers. By the time she found the spell, Syl's head was throbbing so much, the words were barely readable.

"Sana igne aqua corpore purificaret cor et pulmo sanguine animae," she slurred out. As soon as she spoke the words, pain throbbed up her arm to her head, pounding painfully against her skull. She coughed again, and felt her power and energy slipping away.

And then all she knew was darkness and pain.

Tired and shaken, Jay knocked quietly on the door of Sylphrenia's apartment. Assuming her to be asleep, he fiddled the key, listening for the satisfying click before the door opened.

His girlfriend was lying in her bed, asleep, an arm over one of her books, and her head slumped down against it. Jay shut the door quietly behind him and knelt down next to her bed, kissing her forehead. It was hot with sweat, and he smoothed the sticky strands of hair away from her head.

"Hey," he whispered. "I know you're asleep but..." he sighed. "You probably didn't see what happened today. Which is a good thing. You don't need anything else to worry about." He grabbed the corner of the book and slipped it gently out from under her arm, placing it delicately on her bedside table.

Jay sighed, needing someone to talk to about his troubles. "Hades attacked us today, and... and I'm worried what the retaliation is going to be about it. No matter what, VK day is never going to be the same." He stopped as Syl twitched her hand before laying still again, her breathing sounding labored.

Sighing, Jay changed the subject. "Those new VKs though are something else. Dizzy is... well, Dizzy. You haven't met her, but you must feel like you have, hearing Evie talk about her so much. Celia is going to be a handful. We're going to have to warn Fairy Godmother about her. She already conned Ben out of some money. I feel like Mal connects with her though, almost like Celia's a mini version of herself.

"I think Squeaky and Squirmy were our best choice though," Jay continued, stroking Syl's head. "We gave them candy today, and their eyes got so big, I'd forgotten what it had been like to have candy for the first time." He sighed. "They would love you, I know they would. You'd love them too. I could see it being like you and Maddie. They'll need someone to look after them while they're at Auradon Prep, now that they've left Smee, and I think you would fit that description perfectly."

Jay looked at Syl dreamily, imagining a life where they were safe, she wasn't sick, and where they could watch over the two boys that would adore Syl. A life where Jay finally got enough confidence to marry her.

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