Chapter 24

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~Syl's POV~

After leaving her last class of the day, Sylphrenia headed over to the amphitheater, brimming with excitement on the inside, but still trying to keep her face calm and collected. Still, she couldn't help rushing over to the crowded room where spectators were watching the ROAR team practice.

As Syl stepped inside, she could see the team, dressed in their blue and gold uniforms sparring in the indoor arena. She smiled proudly at Jay, who was currently fighting his opponent while yelling instructions to his teammates. He had been so excited when he had been made team captain two months ago. Even though it was the beginning of the year, Jay was spending hours a day, practicing both independently and with his team.

Syl was absolutely excited for him. Jay was loving being captain of the ROAR team, and she couldn't wait for their first fight against another team.

"Syl!" She heard her name be called, and she turned around. There, slinking around the sides of the room was Lonnie, who rushed toward her.

"Are you ready?" Syl asked her as she guided Lonnie out of the room to the bathroom next door.

"I'm nervous," Lonnie said, smiling. "But I'm excited to do this." Syl opened up her bag and pulled out a bundle of blue and gold fabric that she had taken from the equipment room. She handed it to Lonnie, who went inside the stall, locking the door.

"Don't be nervous," Syl said, walking over to the mirror and looking at herself. "Just remember what I taught you. And besides, even before I started teaching you, you were still better than half of those boys in there. Just go in and do your thing." She could hear Lonnie sigh before coming out, dressed in the ROAR uniform.

"Thanks Syl. For everything. I think you're the best sword fighter I've ever known. Maybe even better than Jay."

Syl laughed. "I'm not better than Jay. But I think..." she pulled out a helmet from her bag. "...that after joining ROAR, you could be. Just make sure you keep your helmet on until after. You don't want everyone to judge you before they see you fight."

Lonnie smiled at her before taking he helmet and sliding it over her head. Once dressed in the full uniform, nobody would be able to tell that she was a girl. Which was the point.

Months ago, Lonnie had come to Syl's sword fighting sessions and asked if she thought Lonnie was ready to enter ROAR. Syl had been excited, fully confident in her student's abilities. The only problem was that no female had ever joined a ROAR team before. So, they had come up with a plan. Lonnie would try out, pretending to be a boy, and when she revealed herself, they would have no choice but to let her on the team because she was so good.

"Let's go," Syl said, opening the bathroom door open and letting her pass into the hallway. "Just remember, when you go to make that right parry-"

"-always check my footwork. I know, Syl. You have taught me well. I know I can do this." Although Lonnie was trying to reassure Syl, she could tell that she was trying to reassure herself as well.

Syl opened the door to the amphitheater and let Lonnie in. They headed over to the swords, and Lonnie picked out one. Before she left, Syl held her shoulders and whispered into her ear. "You've got this."

Lonnie nodded, and jumped into the indoor arena. A knot of nervousness forming in her stomach, Syl walked over to the sidelines where she watched Jay and Lonnie fight.

Syl was proud. Each block or parry Jay made, Lonnie defended with equal strength, skill, and speed. The two were evenly matched, and Syl knew that Lonnie would get on the team for sure. Jay would definitely want her on his team after this.

Lonnie spun, ripping Jay's sword from his hand, and the crowd gasped. She battled Jay backward to the rim of the arena, before Jay kicked her hand, sending his sword flying back into his own hand.

"Finish him!" Syl could hear Chad shout.

Before either Jay or Lonnie could move, Lonnie pulled off her helmet before looking at Syl, who gave her a thumbs up, grinning.

"Not bad!" said Chad, as all the students applauded.

"You should put me on the team!" said Lonnie with a smile, and Syl could see Jay nodding in agreement.

Chad stepped into the arena in front of her.

"What?" he looked at Jay. "No, dude, we'd be the laughingstock of the league, right, guys?" sputtered Chad. "I mean, what's gonna happen next, we're gonna have girls playing tourney?" Chad smirked.

Syl scowled, opening her mouth to shout at him even though she was far away, but Jay beat her to it. "So?" He asked Chad.

Chad scoffed. "So? So, have you not read the rule book? Let me do that for you." He fished out the ROAR rule book out of his back pocket. "Section two, paragraph three-eleven-dash-four," he said, opening the book. "'A team shall be comprised of a captain and eight men,'!" read Chad. He held the book up in the air, turned in a circle for the other students to see, and lowered it in front of Jay's face.

Jay pushed Chad's hand away.

"But you're down a man, since Ben had to leave to do all that king stuff," said Lonnie, annoyed at the silly rule and at Chad for enforcing it.

Chad let out an exasperated sigh. "Exactly. Down a man," he said, cocking his head to the side and pursing his lips in defiance.

"Jay," Lonnie pleaded, hoping he had better news.

Jay looked at the floor, then shook his head, genuinely unhappy. "I'm sorry," Jay told her. "Coach trusted me, and I'm not going to stay captain if I just throw out the rule book."

Lonnie stared long and hard at Jay, disappointed. "If my mother thought that way, she would have lost the war."

Chad sneered. "Okay," he said in a mocking tone.

Lonnie sighed and started to walk in Syl's direction.

"Read the rule book," said Chad, shaking it at her back.

Syl followed Lonnie out, scowling. When they were in the hallway, she spoke up;. "I'll talk to Jay. We'll figure out something. He wanted you on the team. And everyone could see that you were good."

Lonnie sighed. "Stupid Chad. Stupid boys. Why do they have to ruin everything?"

Syl put a hand on her shoulder, but Lonnie gently shrugged it off. "Thanks Syl, but I just want to be alone right now. I need to go put everything away right now anyway." She held up her equipment before walking off. Syl stopped, staring at her before turning back to the amphitheater. By the time she got there, everyone was filing out. She leaned against the wall next to the door and waited.

After everyone had left, the door opened once again, and Jay came out. When he saw her, he smiled, but it quickly faded back into a frown.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey. You all right?" she asked.

Jay suddenly growled, turning and hitting the wall with a fist. "Ugh! Chad only didn't like Lonnie because she was better than him! She would have been a great asset to the team. And I can't, because I have to follow the rules. Because I don't want people to think that I haven't changed. That I'm still... Still a..."

"Still a villain?" Syl asked quietly, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I know. And there's not only two ways. There is another option, I'm sure of it. We just need to find it."

He sighed. "You're right. I just don't know what it is."

Syl smiled at him. "You'll do what you think is best. You always do. And that's how I know that you are not a villain. And everyone else should see that too." She stepped back. "Don't worry too much about it. I'll help you out, and we'll figure it out."

She turned around and walked back down the hallway. For a second, Jay opened his mouth to say something, staring at her back, but closed it again, and sighed, resting his forehead on the wall. Why couldn't he just get the nerve to ask her?

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