Chapter 5

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~Jay POV~

After the drama in first period, Jay found himself and Carlos outside on the grassy green tourney field just outside of the school. It resembled a lacrosse field but had two cannons at the fifty-yard line that shot a barrage of balls across the width of it. A big sign saying GO FIGHTING KNIGHTS! overlooked it. Carlos was barely recognizable in his tourney helmet, buckles, and abundance of pads; the same thing Jay himself was wearing.

Jay was not quite sure he had gotten there. One minute, they were watching Syl run out of remedial goodness, Jay wondering if he should run after her to comfort her with whatever was going on, and the next minute, he was standing outside and being instructed to put on the uniform. Jay himself didn't mind very much, as he had also been handed a large wooden stick that looked like a large spoon, and looked like a very formidable weapon.

The coach blew a whistle.

"Jay, Ben, offense," the referee instructed them. "Chad, you're defense!"

A handsome boy, presumably Chad, strolled across the field. Jay grinned, staring at the competition. Several girls dressed in cheerleading uniforms had already started cheering and clapping, and Jay checked to see if any of them were Syl, but to his disappointment, she wasn't there.

"Hey! Hey! Put your helmet on! Get out of the kill zone!" the coach yelled at Carlos. Jay smirked, his best friend was hopeless. "Pick it up! Put it on! Two hands!" the coach kept instructing Carlos. Jay flexed, he couldn't help showing off, and swept the hair out of his eyes, getting into a ready position.

The coach blew the whistle again, and the play began. Jay, due to his extracurricular activities, also known as thieving, was off like a shot, adrenaline pumping through him. He ran right over Carlos, who thudded to the ground. Grinning in elation, Jay slammed his buckler into Chad, who had the ball. The ball flew free and Jay scooped it up, finding it easier than it looked. He charged down the field into the kill zone, roaring ferociously and dodging the flying balls, even doing a few flips as well. Just because the girl of his dreams wasn't in the crowd didn't mean he wasn't allowed to show off.

Jay slammed the ball into the net, and the cheerleaders whooped and screamed in excitement- all except Audrey, Jay noticed. He didn't let her take away from enjoying the moment and threw off his helmet, doing a victory dance.

After a few seconds, Jay realized he was alone. The field, he noticed, was littered with lots of penalty flags and battered, beaten, groaning players in both yellow and blue uniforms. Jay felt a twinge of guilt, but shut it out, schooling his features into a carefully practiced smirk.

The coach blew his whistle. "You! Get over here!" Jay trotted over to the coach, who was standing with the downed players, Carlos included. Ben was hanging over his knees, panting, and some were even sitting on the ground, looking pained.

"What do you call that?" yelled the coach at Jay, who was confused at what he had done wrong. They had told him to play, so he had played. Chad was looking at him smugly, but Jay ignored him, focusing on the coach.

The coach's face broke into a smile. "I call that raw talent. Come find me later; I'll show you something you haven't seen before. It's called a rule book." He chuckled and patted Jay on the shoulder, and Jay grinned, nodding. "Welcome to the team, son," said the coach. He looked at Carlos. "You ever thought about band?"

Carlos gave a small titter while Jay laughed. His friend had potential, but at this moment, he was hopeless. "I'll work with him, Coach," said Ben.

"All right," said the coach. "Lets run that again!" He blew his whistle, and the players moved to resume their positions on the field.

Jay grinned and spun around to find Chad glaring at him with his chin and nose stuck up in a rude, snobbish way that Jay didn't like one bit. Jay squinted at Chad and walked past him, bumping him hard on the shoulder. Chad let out an exclamation of pain, and Jay walked off. He wouldn't let Chad ruin his day. The only thing Jay was disappointed about was that Sylphrenia hadn't been there to see him succeed. Maybe then she would... You're going to leave soon, Jay reminded himself. It doesn't matter.

~Sylphrenia POV~

Sylphrenia turned away from the window overlooking the tourney field, her heart fluttering and her face flushed. She leaned against the wall before sliding down onto the floor, placing her face in her hands. What was wrong with her? This was the second time today that she had been... whatever it was. She was feeling. But it was something that she had never felt before. And that made Sylphrenia afraid.

She stood up, sighing, and returned searching the dorm for clues in Mal and Evie's belongings about their plan to steal the wand. Ever since she had left the class, she had returned to normal, and Sylphrenia decided that she needed to do something that would distract her from what happened. Besides, just because she wasn't going to report them to the Fairy Godmother didn't mean she wanted to be left in the dark about what their plan was.

So far, the only things she had found were clothes and beauty products before she had seen the tourney game through her window, and had been distracted by that new emotion. Again. This time it had caused her to keep looking out the window. It caused irregular thoughts that should not have been popping up in her head. Especially since she knew that the villain kids were planning on stealing the Fairy Godmother's wand.

It wasn't such a rash decision if she congratulated Jay after though... no. What she was going to do was look for clues. She was sure that some of the greatest villains would not leave their children completely unprepared to steal a fairy's wand. They would have been provided with some sort of trinket or small item. Something that could be overlooked.

She turned back to the villain girls' side of the room. Where hasn't she looked?

The beds. Striding over, she lifted up the mattresses with an upward swipe of her hand. Searching it, she found nothing but a few feathers. She swept the covers back from their positions and threw them to the floor. Nothing but a few candy wrappers in Mal's bed. The pillowcases were frisked as well, but Sylphrenia still found nothing.

Frustrated, Syl sighed, plopping onto the bed and swiping her hands over her face. She scowled, refusing to give up, and stood up once again.

Flicking her hand, Sylphrenia had the beds remake themselves before walking to the middle of the room and sweeping it with her eyes. Where would she hide something important? Something really important? Something like her...

Sylphrenia sucked in a breath, her head reeling with shock. Could Mal's mother have given her a wand? Maleficent had never been documented using a wand, but many people in the Fairy Council thought that her staff acted like one. No fairy would give up their wand of their own accord, so Maleficent would never give Mal her staff. Besides, why would they be looking for another wand if Mal already had one?

Sylphrenia sighed in relief, plopping down onto the rug and absentmindedly ran her hands through the soft material. She had hidden lots of things in her old room in Camelot before she had created her vault. What had been the best hiding place in her old room?

She froze, a piece of the rug still between her fingers. The answer had come to her at once, and Syl had no idea why she had not thought of it before. She quickly moved off the circular carpet and, once she was off it, she swiped both of her hands in an upward motion. The carpet floated up, and with another gesture, it rolled itself up and settled on the other side of the room

Syl knelt on the bare wooden floor. Expectantly, she ran her fingers over the polished floorboards until she found it. The one imperfection.

A small seam that was slightly bigger than the rest. At her command, the loose floorboard peeled itself up and onto the floor.

Reaching her hand inside, Sylphrenia picked up a spell book. It was brown leather with a golden dragon on the front. The sign of Maleficent.

Mal must be powerful then, Syl mused as she turned the pages. Few people had enough magic to perform these types of spells. Now, she just needed to find out which one they were going to use.

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