Chapter 37

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Sylphrenia rushed through the empty halls, her hair dripping with water as it stuck to her back, making threads of water run down her skin.

As she skidded to a halt, she stopped in front of the door reading the number 313 in silver letters, contrasting with the painted black door. When Sylphrenia had graduated Auradon Prep a month ago, she had found herself a new apartment that was only five blocks away from Jay's, and a few miles away from Evie's new home. They were located on the outskirts of the city, so Syl had a view of the forest from the apartment, which was a perfect place to explore. Her apartment also had an indoor swimming pool, the place where Sylphrenia loved to spend hours on end during the summer.

Rifling through her pocket, she pulled out her key and shoved it in the lock, opening the door, and ran , shutting the door behind her.

The first thing Syl did was grab the remote and turn on the TV that was taking up the majority of one side of a wall. The screen popped to life to reveal a commercial. Syl sighed in relief that she wasn't too late, and set the remote down before shrugging off her dress to reveal her swimsuit.

"20% off if you use the code EVIE01-" the television blared. Syl walked over where her towel was laying over her chair and started drying herself off, kicking her sandals off as she did so.

"And now, we have a live streaming of the Isle of the Lost for VK Day!"

Sylphrenia looked up from where she was slipping on a new dress, her swimsuit now sitting in their bathroom. The news reporter was gesturing to a video that was starting to play, displaying a ragtag paperboy riding his rusted out bicycle down a dirty Isle street. Syl grinned in anticipation and flopped down onto the top of her covers, staring intently at the screen.

The boy, seemingly unaware that he was being recorded, careened over a teetering makeshift ramp and past a run down apartment with the words Long Live Evie graffitied across its wall. The young boy pulled a copy of the Troubled Times newspaper out of his dirty messenger bag and tossed it over his shoulder. "Hey, check it out," he yelled to the other kids in the square.

A curly haired girl in a rumpled pink dress scampered to pick up the paper. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Look at this!" the girl exclaimed in shock. The large headline splashed across the front page read VK DAY IS HERE! 4 MORE GO ASHORE. "It's VK Day," she squealed to the crowd of kids who'd gathered around for a peek of the paper. "I want them to pick me so bad."

Sylphrenia knew that the article described the new holiday that had been established by Ben and Evie. For the first time, any villain kid could apply to attend the kingdom's esteemed Auradon Prep. The new kids would be handpicked from among the Isle applicants by the original villain kids, which was why Sylphrenia was alone, instead of with her friends or with her boyfriend. She was, however, going to help with the new VKs by going with her friends to pick them up a week later, and escort them to Auradon for the new school year.

As the paperboy tossed another paper, Sylphrenia finally caught sight of her friends, Mal, Evie, and Carlos, and her boyfriend, Jay, as they rounded the dilapidated street corner. Syl smiled at the excited looked on their faces, knowing that ever since they made their own way in Auradon, her friends had become heroes to the villain kids still stuck on the Isle.

They ducked under clotheslines heavy with drying rags and started rallying all of the kids who were applying. They wound their way through the grimy streets and cobblestoned squares, visiting each place that had been specially dedicated to them before fanning off to collect as many kids as they could to bring them all to Bridge Plaza, the place where Ben had planned for the VKs to choose the next kids to go to Auradon.

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