Chapter 46

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Jay, Syl, Carlos, Harry, and Gil trudged down an overgrown path deep in the forest. Syl was walking in front of Jay, where he had a view of her long hair swishing back and forth across her back. Every now and again she would look back at him, grinning when she caught him staring at her. The group hadn't talked much, except for Dude, who had chattered away, and Gil, who had spouted meaningless comments every now and again.

"These things grow everywhere," said Gil. Jay looked behind him to see the boy scarfind down tiny red berries directly off a bush. He seemed to be in absolute bliss. "Hey, we should play that icebreaker. Um, Jay, I like the way that you can bounce around and jump off things," he said, juice dripping off his chin.

Jay was taken aback. He had never really considered the boy before him, other than a pawn of Uma's that threw a mean punch. Of course, he knew that the boy had feelings, but he had never realized how innocent and kind Gil was, deep beneath his exterior.

"This is free, right?" Gil asked, plucking off more berries.

"Yeah. I like how you get a kick out of a berry bush," he told Gil as if he was finally seeing him fore the first time.

Gil looked slightly embarrassed. "I guess you've probably seen everything by now, huh? Furry rocks, giant fish. You're probably used to grabbing lunch off a bush."

Now Jay was feeling a little embarrassed. "No- I mean, no, not really. I mean, I mainly just use the vending machines at practice. You know, tourney kind of eats up most of my time."

Harry snorted derisively. "Tourney? That's a wee boy's game."

Jay ignored him. The pirate had been bothering him all day, but he was trying to control himself.

"You know what would be fun?" Gil said, looking out over Auradon dreamily. "To go rafting down a jungle river."

"Find a lost civilization," said Jay excitedly. He'd been in Auradon a while, but had really only seen the city around the school and Camelot. He mulled the thought around in his head as he grabbed a mouthful of berries. He could taste Gil's appeal, as they were tangy, yet sweet. Something that couldn't be found on the Isle.

"Or maybe a penguin," said Gil.

"Well, you find those more on, like, icebergs," remarked Jay. "But I'd love to see one of those."

Harry seemed annoyed with their conversation. He sauntered over and sneered. "You guys are killing me." The pirate glided up to the bush and slowly picked a berry with his glinting hook. He put it in his mouth and smiled. "And PS: the mutt went thataway."

"Dude, what do you see?" shouted Carlos, running off. Syl was right behind him, her dress swishing around her legs as she took off into the forest. Harry and Gil followed, but Jay hung back for a moment and stared at the bush. Something seemed different about it, and he plucked another berry off of it. Something just felt right about the small act of freedom.

Looking up, he realized that he was falling behind and ran toward his friends, not wanting to leave Syl and Carlos alone with two pirates who may or may not have good intentions.

When Jay finally caught up to the group, he found a smirking Harry talking to his girlfriend. "So, lassie, are you really dating him?" He had slung one arm over her shoulder, and Syl picked up his arm with one hand and pushed it off her shoulder.

"Yes, we're dating. And you're not allowed to touch me, or I'll hit you where it hurts."

Jay grinned slightly as he came up behind the pair. Before he could say anything, Carlos spoke up. "I'd listen to her Harry. She's sent a lot of people to the infirmary. And I think once she's done with you I think Jay would finish the job."

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