Chapter 29

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Back at Auradon Prep, Jay and Carlos walked down the hallway to their dorm room. Jay had spent the drive back to the school worrying about Syl and thinking about what he could have done to make sure she hadn't been taken. When they had arrived, Carlos had stopped told him to stop worrying and to start doing, so Jay was trying to keep his mind off Syl while they completed their mission. Worrying wasn't going to help her at all.

As they walked to their dorm, Dude bounded toward them, obviously excited that they were finally back.

"Sorry I'm so late," Carlos whispered to Dude. "Ben and Syl got taken."

"Why's our door open?" asked Jay. He could have sworn that they closed it before they left.

He and Carlos entered the room and found Chad printing on the 3-D printer.

"Are you kidding me?" yelled Carlos.

Chad jumped and looked up. "I knocked," he explained.

Carlos held out his hand and looked at Chad until Chad gave him the copy of his room key. Then Carlos canceled Chad's print job, pulled the object from the tray, and handed it to Jay.

"What is it?" Jay asked Chad, confused.

"A Chad action figure," said Chad proudly. "Minus the head," he added.

"Sounds like an improvement," mumbled Carlos. He moved around the printer and quickly programmed it to make the sparkling silver wand from a photo on his phone.

As the wand began to appear, Chad peered at it curiously. "Why are you making Fairy Godmother's wand?" he asked.

Carlos looked at Jay. "Umm... why are we making the wand?"

"Ben and Syl have been captured!" said Dude.

"What?" shouted Chad. He did a double take. "Dude can talk?"

Carlos looked at Dude. "I was stalling," Carlos said from the side of his mouth.

Dude wagged his tail. "I thought you forgot," he said.

"You can't tell anyone," Jay told Chad. "Their lives depend on it."

Unknown to them, Lonnie, who had dropped by to ask Jane about her Cotillion dress, had heard the whole thing. She gasped and sprinted down the hall.

Chad furrowed his brow. "If something were to happen to him..."He smiled at the boys. "You know...what I'm saying..." He waggled his eyebrows.

"Something bad, I get it," said Carlos, rolling his eyes.

"God forbid," said Chad, feigning concern. "Who do you think might be next in line to be king?"

Jay looked at Carlos. "Is it me, or is that in really poor taste?"

As Chad left their room, Jay made sure to slam the door behind him. Carlos quickly punched some numbers into the printer, and the machine whirred to life.

Carlos and jay had fallen asleep waiting for the 3-D printer to produce the wand.

They sat side by side in chairs, and Carlos's head rested on Jay's. Jay lifted his head, smacked Carlos, calling out his name, and stood up from his chair.

"Huh? What?" Carlos jerked awake, saw the wand, and bolted up.

It looked exactly like the Fairy Godmother's wand. It sparkled as if it were full of all the power of the real thing.

Carlos lifted it up. "Not bad," he said.

"Yeah," Jay said with a nod. He took the fake wand and turned to Carlos.

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