Chapter 41

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The four VKs' motorbikes landed amid the lively atmosphere of the French Quarter of the Isle. Mal removed her helmet and brought her hands to her face. The deep wrinkles, saggy skin, and old-lady hair had been replaced by her flawless complexion and signature lush purple locks. The powerful curse of Audrey's scepter had been broken.

"Hey, I'm me again!" she said with a grateful laugh. Jay smiled weakly but it soon disappeared, too worried about Audrey, Syl, and everything else going on to retain his sense of humor.

"Duh, evil magic doesn't work here. Kinda the point," remarked Celia.

"Woo, welcome back," Evie exclaimed. She threw her arm around her friend, relieved that the spell had been lifted.

"Thank you," said Mal, who seemed ecstatic that she was back to her old self. She smiled, then followed Celia as she led them down a dark run-down lane. Carlos jerked his head toward their head, and the two boys followed after them, with Evie in tow.

They walked past what Jay knew was Celia's fortune teller table and stopped suddenly in front of a magenta and gray painted door with PA DERANJE stamped on it. Celia was all smiles as she knocked six times in a rhythmic pattern that Jay committed to memory in case he needed to use it again. Her knock was answered by a second series of elaborate knocks, and Jay and his friends were impressed. Celia knocked out one more secret code and the thick steel door slid open. The five travelers pushed through a set of opaque curtains, then entered the shrouded hideaway through the open mouth of a forty-foot-tall laughing carnival mask. DR. FACILIER'S VOODOO ARCADE was spelled out above them in neon lights. Several of the letters had burned out, but that only added to the atmosphere. The rowdy room was packed with villain kids of all ages, and Jay couldn't deny that Dr. Facilier's business was booming.

Dr. Facilier, looking rakish in a magenta crushed-velvet suit and a silk top hat with a purple plume greeted his daughter with pure delight. "Hey," he said, tossing his walking stick to a nearby customer. He rushed to meet Celia on the arcade floor, where the two busted into a coordinated dance. The elaborate routine was clearly the way the pair greeted each other all the time. With the secret salutation complete, Dr. Facilier hugged his daughter tightly. "Come here you little rascal." His face was illuminated with joy, and it was clear from Celia's giant grin that she was equally elated to see her father.

Jay sighed, sadness overcoming him as he thought of his father, but when he and his friends exchanged glances, he grinned softly to himself, remembering that they were still his family.

Dr. Facilier glanced slyly at Jay and his friends before leaning in and whispering something to his daughter. She answered something in return that Jay could not hear over the loud atmosphere of the room.

"I hear you," said Celia's dad, his eyebrows dancing with understanding, and Celia scanned the room, looking past the mysterious pin dolls, half-melted candles, vintage strands of beads, and assorted glass trinkets and finally focused on a wall near her fortune telling nook. She headed straight for it, the tassels and pom-poms that adorned her outfit swaying as she walked. She retrieved a large skull-shaped key from the wall and placed it around her neck.

Dr. Facilier looked at her questioningly.

"We're on a mission," she explained conspiratorially. "I'm kind of a major player. So that's why I can't stay long," she bragged brashly, hoping to impress him.

It seemed to Jay that it worked. Dr. Facilier looked at his mischevious daughter with clear pride. "Just make sure you get your cut," he said, beaming.

Carlos had left Jay's side and was standing at the front of the arcade in front of an ancient antenna television and put in the two tokens it required to start. The beat-up set sprang to life and an Auradon newscast came on the screen. "Alerts of a sleeping spell keep coming in as it spreads throughout Auradon," said the anchor, reporting live from the circular driveway at Auradon Prep.

"Uh, guys, come look at this," said Carlos. Dread filled Jay's stomach as he, Evie, and Mal joined Carlos around the television, watching it with dismay.

"There are rumors that Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Audrey, is behind the spell," continued the reporter. "We are trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies and which evil villain perpetrated this evil."

The anchorman chocked his head, listened to his earphone, and spoke with urgency. "We have an update. It's moving this way! It's moving..."

His thoughts focused on worry for Syl, his friends, and his home, Jay followed Mal, Evie, and Carlos outside, ready to rush back to Auradon and save the kingdom. They were quickly stopped when they found Harry Hook, Gil, and two other pirates perched on the VK's motorbikes. Anger bubbled up inside Jay and he clenched his fists, feeling foolish.

"Wow. Rookie mistake," said Carlos. They all had known better than to leave anything of value sitting out in the open around the Isle.

Captain Hook's son, who had a permanent smirk etched across his face, raised his left arm and mock-saluted Jay with his fake hook. "Long time no see," said Harry, his words drowning in his pirate accent.

"Get off my bike, Hook," Jay growled. With one last smirk, the pirates rode off, and all of Jay's anger, frustration, and worry burst out of him. As they sped by, he leapt deftly over random street rubbish to run after his bike.

"Catch me if you can, Jay," Harry dared him as he took off down the French Quarter avenue. Gil, son of Gaston, drove off next, taking his hands off the handlebars and waving his arms int he air as he drove by.

Taking a deep breath and recognizing the need for them to return to Auradon, Jay surveyed the French Quarter street, formulating a plan. As if calling a play on the tourney field, he instructed the others where to go. "Over the roofs, we'll cut them off!" he exclaimed, and scurried up the side of an old shack. Evie and Carlos followed Jay's lead, and they took off toward the pirates who had stolen their bikes.  

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