Chapter 48

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It was uncomfortable, being turned into stone.

As Syl stood there, her hand in Jay's, she couldn't help but curse her weakened state. For some reason it felt like her access to her magic had been clogged, leaving her nearly defenseless. This was a new feeling, something Syl had never experienced before.

Stone spells weren't meant to leave a person conscious either, which was what made Syl confused. She didn't know if she had enough power flowing into her to keep her consciousness active or if whomever who had cast the spell (Syl was very sure Audrey was responsible) had done a bad job casting it, leaving her victims in this semi-conscious state.

Either way, Syl couldn't do anything, so she stood there amidst her friends. Her family. Time seemed to drag on slowly and the only comfort the girl could find was that she was with Jay. Even if she couldn't feel him or see him, she knew that he was there, his hand in hers.

She was still disappointed about the 'almost' kiss. If Evie had only interrupted them twenty seconds later...

Thankfully that fog in her head had disappeared. It was still in the corners of her mind, waiting to swoop back into her consciousness as soon as she returned to her body, but for that moment, Syl's mind was clear.

What wasn't clear was her memories. Syl could easily remember returning back to her apartment with Granny Red. She could remember coughing up blood and falling asleep. But she couldn't remember anything after that. She couldn't remember how she had gotten better, even how she had found her way back to her friends.

Syl was quite convinced her lapse in memory had something to do with this fog. Her symptoms felt familiar, like she should know what was wrong but couldn't quite put her finger on it.

There was a nagging part of Syl's brain that reminded her of Morgan's warning. Of her trip to Camelot she couldn't remember. There was something wrong with her memory and Syl felt like it was all connected somehow. She didn't know how they would be connected however. Her only idea was that it had to do with her mother.


The woman Sylphrenia didn't remember. Of course she had heard a lot about the woman. Nimeuh had established one of the first magical organizations in Auradon. She had been the first Lady of the Lake. She had fought the evil sorceress Salophena and won, banishing the woman to the darkest depths of Auradon where she was never heard from again.

But for some reason, Syl just couldn't remember the woman herself.

When Syl had first arrived in Camelot, Morgan had enrolled her in a support group, where she talked with others who were orphans or who hadn't seen their parents in a long time. Each person had some sort of memory of at least one parent, no matter how small. One girl remembered her mother's eyes. Another, the smell of his father's shirt.

There was nothing about Nimueh. Syl knew she looked like her, with dark hair and pale skin. Nimueh had tutored Morgan in magic, after all. That was one of the reasons why the woman was so keen to take Syl in. Why she had acted that Syl was her own.

Morgan had known Nimueh. Nimueh had lived in the woods of Camelot, where the layer between Avalon and Auradon were the thinnest and the magic was the strongest. Syl and her friends had planned on going to the woods, where Merlin lived. Everything seemed to point toward Nimueh. But Syl still felt like she was missing something. Something important.

No matter how much Syl tried, she couldn't make sense of the thoughts that were swirling around in her head. Everything seemed to be falling in place and falling apart at the same time.

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