Chapter 47

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First of all, I would like to thank @MalvikaPangavoor, because it was only because of her and her messages that I posted this today.  Thank you!!

Secondly, I'm sorry that I haven't updated since February. I have been busy, lazy, and I have been working on other fanfics (I feel guilty every time I write something because I think about this book). But, I am ALMOST done with this book, and I'm determined not to take three months to finally finish it. So, sorry once again, and I hope the wait has been worth it!

Thirdly, if you like Harry Potter (especially Sirius Black), check out my new Marauders Era Fanfic:

Lotus Rising

Syl and Jay were walking hand in hand as they exited the woods, following the well-worn path to Evie's house. The group was halfway down the path when the doors to the castle burst open and Mal, dressed in her leather finery, burst out. She ran down their steps to Ben, who was leading the way, and leaped into his arms. The two embraced each other as the rest of the group greeted each other excitedly. Syl let go of Jay as she hugged Evie, who was beaming as brightly as her hair was blue.

"Are you all right?" asked Evie, stepping back with her hands on Syl's shoulders. "We haven't been able to talk properly since you were sick."

Syl smiled at her. "I'll be better once we get Maleficent's scepter back from Audrey."

Evie laughed and hugged her friend again before turning to the rest of the group.

Mal and Ben were flirting, excited to see each other after so long, and it seemed that Mal and Uma were actually getting along. Jay was standing next to Gil and Carlos, but when he caught Syl's eye, he sent her a wink that made her blush a bright pink.

"Okay, so we all think that Audrey could be at Fairy Cottage." Mal had stepped back from Ben's embrace and grabbed the group's attention. "We have no idea where it is. Did she ever take you there?"

Ben gritted his teeth at the memory of the cottage. "Every Fairy Godmother's Day. Where's Fairy Godmother when you need her?"

Everyone looked toward Jane, who was seated quietly at a small white bistro table. She straightened her dress and clasped her hands together tensely. "I wish I knew." She was obviously worried. Carlos, looking nervous and concerned about his girlfriend, quickly pulled up a seat to sit next to her, a small red box in her hand.

"C'mon, let's give them some privacy," Evie said, grabbing Syl's arm and pulling her over to Ben and Mal, who were discussing Audrey and the Fairy Godmother's cottage. Nobody wanted to interrupt Carlos and Jane, who were talking quietly at the table.

"So what happened to you guys?" Jay asked Mal, who still had Ben's hands placed gently on her hips.

"We searched Audrey's room and found her diary," Mal explained. "That's where we found out that she hangs around a lot at the Fairy Cottage. After that, we came back, and Evie helped to wake Doug up from the sleeping curse."

Syl glanced at the beaming Doug, who had one arm slung over an equally happy Evie's shoulder. "True Love's Kiss," the blue-haired girl said proudly.

"And then Audrey tried to trap us inside the house," Uma said, and to Syl's surprise, Mal smiled at the girl who had once been her enemy. "But we were able to combine our magic to get out!" The two girls smiled at each other, obviously pleased with their teamwork.

"Impressive," Ben muttered, sending Mal a sly grin that made her blush. Before they could say anything else however, their king looked over at Jane and Carlos, deciding to intercept. "Doug, go with Jane. We need to find Fairy Godmother."

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