Chapter 31

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As Syl leaped over the two pirates, she sent a silent apology to Jay. He had looked so relieved when he saw her, but it had been her that had left him. Morgan was right. This whole search for these forgotten memories was selfish. She had a life here. One that she enjoyed.

A pirate swiped at her, and she kicked his legs out from under him. If she didn't pay attention, she wasn't going to be enjoying her life for much longer.

Syl darted up the stairs and swept her trident up from off the ground before disarming another pirate which had been trying to sneak up behind Evie.

"Syl! You're safe!" Evie exclaimed, as she turned.

"Sorry, I got lost," said Syl apologetically. She hated lying to them, but she couldn't tell them the truth. It was too absurd.

Another swarm of pirates approached them, and both girls were distracted by the new opponents.

Syl was grateful that her trident had been brought with the other swords, although she didn't know how her friends knew that she could use one. It was her favored weapon, although she was good at using a sword as well.

As Syl navigated the battle, she caught glimpses of her friends fighting, Jay with three pirates surrounding him, Ben holding his ground against the boy that they had met in the alley, Evie and Carlos teamed together to defend themselves from a large group of pirates, and Mal who had just disarmed a pirate and was looking at Uma.

Uma was approaching Mal, and was pulling out her sword from its sheath.

The sword was what caught Syl's attention, glittering in the same shade as her trident. If she turned her head just right, she could see writing on the blade. Large swoops and slashes made up a language that was not native to Auradon. Not native to this world. It was the same as the writing that was on her trident.

Syl's blood ran cold. She had seen what her trident could do to a regular sword. It was quite possible that Uma's sword was the same. And if it was...

Syl stooped down and scooped up one of the extra swords. Once again, Syl jumped up onto the railing, and hopped down to another tier of the deck, running to where Mal met Uma in battle.

Uma had swung her sword at Mal with every bit of strength she had. Mal blocked it with hers, and the hit completely shattered the blade. No longer with a weapon, Mal dodged Uma's strokes with her blade. Syl ran even faster as Mal became cornered. Uma had just raised her sword for the killing stroke when Syl tossed the sword to Mal and slid in between the two, catching Uma's sword in the prongs of her trident.

Uma growled and slid her sword out of Syl's trident. "Finally we meet."

"Yeah," Syl said, in a offensive pose, ready to strike.

"How's your mom?" Uma asked as they attacked each other, both participating in a deadly dance. "Oh right. My mom killed her. How sad."

Syl ignored her words, instead sliding out away from Uma, toward Mal, who was waiting for Syl to retreat before she attacked.

The two girls alternated between fighting with Uma and looking for weaknesses. After her first sword breaking, Mal made sure to avoid blocking Uma's sword with her own, and soon, the two girls started to wear down the pirate captain.

After what seemed like hours, Carlos, who was standing on the top of the pier shouted, "Jay, start the car!"

Jay, with one last look at Syl, ran across the bridge and vanished into the pipe tunnel.

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