Chapter 50

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WARNING: The ending gets a little violent, but isn't very explicit. If you are extremely sensitive to these topics, please skip the large italic sections in the second half of the chapter.

The door burst open with a slam, jerking everyone out of their stunned silence.

"Mal!" Ben cried, rushing over cracked stone to wrap his arms around his fiancé. "Mal, are you all right?"

Evie and Carlos followed closely behind Mal. They froze at what they saw before them, confused. "What... what happened?" Carlos breathed, staring at the giant crack in the wall, where Syl's back had collided with it only moments earlier.

Evie's eyes fell on Syl, who was collapsed on the ground, her hands curled into fists. "Syl!" Her gaze flickered over to Jay, who was still leaning heavily against the wall, staring at his girlfriend with confusion. "Jay! Are you both-"

She was cut off by Syl, who had propped herself on her knees, coughing heavily. Evie went to go help her but Mal grabbed her arm, restraining her. Both Jay and Mal, who had just experienced what had happened moments earlier, eyed the girl warily. Evie turned to Mal, confused why she had been stopped from helping her friend as she kept coughing.

"Syl?" Jay said softly, not wanting to startle her.

The girl, who was on her hands and knees, bowed over, coughing even harder. Her whole body convulsed with each cough. Something black dribbled from her lips and down her chin, marring her broken skin.

Some of the smaller shards - which Jay didn't know exactly how to explain - fell from her body and onto the floor. In their place was skin: soft, pale, and unmarred.

Syl choked, causing dark sludge to splatter on the floor. Jay could have sworn he saw her eyes flicker a bright gold as she stared up at the people around her.

Beast, Belle, and Fairy Godmother had all rushed out of Audrey's room and were standing at the edges of the hallway, staring at the scene. Beast and Belle were confused, but Fairy Godmother was looking at Syl with horror.

Syl scrambled up, her palms plastered flat against the wall behind her as she stared at the people without any recognition in her face. This, however, was different from the last time when she had attacked them. This time, there was a sense of fear in her gaze.

"Who in the courts are you?"

"Syl, it's us," Jay said, scrambling to his feet and creeping forward.

"Jay, stop," Fairy Godmother hissed. Jay obeyed her command, watching as the Fairy Godmother stepped forward instead.

"Where am I?" Syl looked at them, her head swiveling back and forth as she tried to watch all of them at once. When Fairy Godmother stepped forward, she pressed herself farther against the wall, holding her hand out. "Where are the idiots?"

"Sylphrenia," Fairy Godmother said. Her words were calm but she was clutching her wand tightly, causing her skin to pale slightly.

"That's my name," Syl said, narrowing her eyes at Fairy Godmother. "How do you know it? Do you work for my mother?" When she said her mother's name, Syl unconsciously flinched.

"No, I do not work for Nimueh," Fairy Godmother said.

Syl snorted. "Nimueh? That good-for-nothing weakli-" She coughed again, falling back onto her knees as she threw up. Black goo splattered from her mouth, forming a puddle on the ground.

It seemed to Jay that the dark mass seemed to be alive. They all stared at the wiggling mass as little tendrils rose up from it. It seemed to use these tendrils as arms, using them to move. Jay thought the thing resembled a picture of a sea slug he had seen in one of his textbooks.

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