Chapter 9

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~Jay POV~

The morning after Mal had freaked out about the vial of moonlight, he escorted her down the hall where Ben was standing.

She had been scared until they had reminded her that Maleficent still had many supporters in Auradon, but Mal still looked as if someone was going to foil their plan at any minute.

Jay felt bad. When he had flirted with Lonnie that night, it had been to see if the potion was having any unplanned affects. He had started feeling guilty when she started giving him hopeful looks whenever they passed by each other in the hallways. He didn't know how to tell her he didn't like her, and he liked Sylphrenia instead. Not that she was showing any signs of having those same feelings.

They made it to Mal's locker when he noticed Syl a few lockers away rifling through a textbook. Her hair was falling down perfectly in waves and she was biting her lip deep in thought.

"Are you feeling kind of weird about this?" he asked Mal, impulsively. "I mean, it's not so bad here." He laughed, still staring at Syl.

Mal faced him. "Are you insane? Long live evil!" She shook a fist. "You're mean! You're awful!" She saw he wasn't looking at her and turned around to find what he was staring at.

She recognized Syl, and let out a small sigh before turning around. "Snap out of it! We'll be gone in a couple of weeks! She's not going back to the isle with us!" She snapped twice.

Jay jolted a bit, realizing she was right, and finally looking at Mal. "Thanks, Mal. I needed that." He laughed, feeling a twinge in his heart as he ignored Syl and walked toward a picnic table full of girls who ran over to him. "Hello," he said to them, trying not to think of Syl. "The name's Jay. Y'all going to the tourney game tonight?"

~Sylphrenia POV~

Each girl's giggle at Jay's words felt like a knife to the heart as she tried to ignore them and focus on the task at hand.

She could see Mal get out a plastic bag with a cookie in it before slamming her locker door shut, completely oblivious of Syl listening to their conversation.

"Hey Bennyboo!" Mal said, Syl stifling a laugh. Audrey's ridiculous nicknames were hilarious.

"Hey!" he said, smiling and walking over to her.

"I just made a batch of cookies. Double chocolate chip. Do you want one?"

Syl flipped another page of her book, pretending to be intrigued with what she was reading.

"I've got a big game. I don't eat before a big game," said Ben. "But thank you so, so much. Thank you. Next time, next time." He started to walk away.

Mal nodded. "No, yeah, I completely understand," she said. "Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains. I'm sure every kid in Auradon knows that."

Syl choked, trying not to laugh. She needed to remember this the next time she would try to guilt trip someone.

"That's not it," Syl heard Ben protest. "No, no, no."

"No, I get it. You're cautious. That's smart. Oh, well. More for me, I guess." Mal took the cookie from the bag and went to take a bite.

Ben grabbed it and scarfed it down. "See that? Totally trust you," he said. "Totally."

That was the problem, Syl thought. She saw the rest of Mal's friends come up.

"How was it?" she asked Ben.

"Good. Great. Amazing! I mean it's chewy. Mmm... is that walnuts?"

Mal nodded.

"I love walnuts," he said. "I mean the chocolate..." he cleared his throat and his eyes focused on Mal. Syl knew the potion was kicking in.

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