Chapter 51

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to everyone who commented and messaged me. Thanks for motivating me to finish this chapter.

The looks on everyone's faces reflected utter confusion, but Syl didn't care. Every unknown in her past had suddenly re-emerged, the last missing puzzle pieces that made up her memory. Everything was right again.

Syl's eyes roamed over the hallway until they landed on the place where the portal had appeared only minutes earlier. "It was obviously an interdimensional portal," she said as she walked to the wall, talking more to herself than the people around her. "You need quite a lot of power for external dimension travel. And besides, the layers aren't thin enough over here." She ran her fingers over the cold stone, squinting slightly.

"Syl, what's going on?" Evie asked slowly.

"Where did they go?" Syl whispered, not paying attention in the slightest. She slid her hand off of the wall and absentmindedly plied another piece of glamor off of her face, allowing both eyes to be free of the magical shell. It dug into her fingers as she pulled it out, and golden rivulets of blood trickled down her fingertips before dripping onto the floor.

"And what about the possession? Sal was obviously possessed too, I mean, she was actually conscious." As she spoke, she traced a large circle over the stone wall using the residue of blood on her fingers. "Whoever did it was actually pretty good at doing it too. I mean, possessing two people at once. That's no small feat."

The others were glancing at each other in shock and confusion. They couldn't understand a word Syl was saying, which was worrying them. After her violent episode only moments before, they didn't want her attacking them.

"Syl, where's my dad?" Mal's voice quavered, despite the strength in her tone.

"And what does Morgan have anything to do with this?" Syl flicked her hand, and her wand appeared clutched between her fingers, almost out of thin air. She steadied her two feet apart, almost like a baseball player, and covered the middle of her drawing with her left palm. With her right hand, she pointed the tip of the wand right above her left hand's middle finger and began to chant.

"Sylphrenia!" The Fairy Godmother shouted, unable to stand it any longer. "What are you doing!"

The chanting continued, and the tip of the wand began to glow a bright, vibrant, green. Syl raised her voice, and it got louder and louder until it filled the whole corridor. With a final shout of "Pro defunctis!" the golden drawing suddenly flashed green and evaporated. The glowing light from her wand dissipated, and Syl fell over.

This time, nobody moved to help her stand, but Syl didn't seem to notice it. When she looked up and flicked her hair away from her face, they all noticed the wide grin that had formed. "Camelot!" she exclaimed.

"Sylphrenia!" This time, Fairy Godmother's booming voice made the girl jump and turn to face the short woman. "Please explain what exactly is going on."

The girl scrunched up her face as she picked herself up off the ground. "That, Fairy Godmother, is the question I've been trying to answer myself." She patted off her dress, picking invisible specks off of the pristine fabric. "It has come to my attention that there has been some serious foul play brought on by-"

A flicker of understanding crossed Syl's face. "Nimueh," she breathed.

"You're not making any sense, Syl," Carlos said, chuckling slightly as he tried to break the thick tension in the room.

A spasm of guilt suddenly flickered in her chest, breaking Syl's conversation. Everything was confusing. She remembered everything, but there were still gaps of information that were only just starting to make sense. Her mind was in mayhem, trying to absorb her present life, her past life, and trying to predict what would happen in the future. But the one thing that stood out, like a ray of dark light that split open her confusion, was the guilt.

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