A Day For Us (OP) (TFP) (NSFW)

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This is a 4-part special for Valentines Day! Part one is this story here, part two is Megatron and part three and four is little shorties for the bots and cons.

Special Note: while this and the next are lemons, the first half is a fluffy oneshot and then a lemon. They were originally gonna be two-part Oneshots that I combined into one long one.

This idea was given to me by blackfyrefantasy97 who is an amazing friend and we have so much in common. I can't live without ya Ash!

Optimus x Human!Reader

"Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure"

"Hey (f/n), what are you and boss bot gonna do for Valentines?" Miko chirped as she plopped next to me on the couch. I huffed as I curled up, hugging my knees to my chest as I flopped sideways on the couch and laid on the armrest.

I hated that the whole entire base knew of mine and Optimus' relationship. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ashamed or embarrassed by it but... I don't like having a lot of attention on me. Optimus is already stressed enough being a leader, now he's also always worried about me and the last thing he needs is everyone pestering him about his relationship. But no, Miko just had to be nosy and caught me kissing his holoform. We, I, had tried to bribe her but it didn't work. She ended up letting it slip to Bulkhead anyway. That's when Optimus and I decided to just get it out of the way and told everyone. And now... well I get to deal with this on a daily.

"Nothing Miko, he doesn't even know what Valentines is and I don't plan to tell him. He doesn't need to worry about a stupid human tradition holiday where everyone goes over the top with romantics. He loves me everyday and ensures I am happy and healthy, that's enough for me. Besides we go on the occasional date when he's free." I sighed, pulling the hood of my hoodie up over my head. I really wish I could not deal with Miko right now.

The Asian girl huffed, pulling my hood aside a bit to look at me. "You call taking a drive for a few hours a date? Come on (f/n)! You guys should do something special." She insisted and I growled, slapping her arm away. I didn't even like Valentines. I always hated being painfully reminded how I was single in school, watching everyone walk around with giant teddy bears and chocolates and balloons... not even my friends gave me anything while they did the rest of their friends. So yeah, I'm not fond of the holiday. I wish it didn't even exist. Besides, why do you need a specific date on the calendar as reason to go out and spoil your mate?

I huffed, breaking my thought train as I stood and glanced down at Miko. "I quite like riding around with him. Drop it." I narrowed my eyes before turning and walking away from that area.

I glanced over to see my mechfriend at the monitors, something becoming a bit of a norm, and smiled a bit as I made my way over. I climbed up the railing and swung my legs over, sitting on the top bar. Optimus faltered in his typing, optics flicking to my form and I chuckled. He always worried so much. "(F/n)..." He murmured, underlying notes of caution and concern in his tone as he stretched out a servo for me.

I smiled and hopped on, moving a hoodie string into my mouth to chew as he brought me to his shoulder. I easily climbed up, nestling into the crook of his neckcables as I rested my head against his. "Hey Opti." I greeted, bringing up a hand to ghost over his metal.

"Is something amiss sweetspark?" He asked quietly, focus divided between me and the monitor.

I sighed and unfurled myself, shifting so that my back was against the side of his head and I was staring at his towering metal shoulderplate/joint. "Just Miko." I finally replied, leaning my head back before he yelped slightly and his helm jerked away from me. I jolted up and spun around just to duck under his servo as he rubbed around his audial. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! I didn't realize where my head was..." I whimpered, trying to stay out of the way of his servo so I didn't get knocked off.

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