[Request] Baby Bot Daycare (PW)(TFA)

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Prowl x Human!Reader

This was requested by @konandbon in which Prowl and reader return from a drive to see everyone but Sari and Ratchet as sparklings. (i.e., Optimus, Bee, Bulkhead, Jettwins, Sentinel, Ultra Magnus, and Jazz (hope I'm not forgetting anyone-)

"No ones ever gonna hurt you love"

The city was never my favorite place to live in, never ever my type of place to even want to spend longer than necessary in. At least, not until something unbelievable happened. The Autobots' arrival was something that had changed my life, and had consequently given me a reason to stay. They didn't hide at all, and most of them were pleasant to be around. It helped that I knew Sari's father, meeting the girl when she was younger as we became friends. I was in my early twenties now, a little over 10 years older than her. At least, until her upgrade.

Either way, I was always the ear she'd rant to, the one she'd bubble all her excitement on. I wasn't much for talking, I preferred to listen, maybe that was why the stealth bot and I got along so well. Maybe that was why we spent so much time together, like right now. He liked to enjoy Earth's nature, and I liked the peace; I also didn't mind telling him what I knew about different plants and animals.

We had been out for a few hours now, just taking a long drive outside the city and through the mountains to just get away. My hands held onto his handlebars, engine purring beneath me as I wore a helmet over my head. I didn't have to worry about driving, and took the time to gaze at the large trees as their leaves fluttered in the wind. "Do you think we should head back?" I finally broke the silence, looking down at the motorcycle I was riding as Prowl hummed.

"Perhaps... I suppose we've been gone a while." The bot replied, although not necessarily of his volition. Not that I blamed him.

I removed a hand from one of the handlebars to gently pat his frame a moment. "Don't worry, we still have plenty of opportunities for more dates." I hummed, smiling and leaning into a curve as I swore his engine purred louder. "I just worry the team may have gotten themselves into trouble. I trust Optimus, but he can be just as childish as the others." I shrugged, grinning.

"We are all young, (y/n)... but yes, I worry for them too." Prowl replied as I shook my head. Ever since the Elite Guard showed up, Optimus had been on edge and at odds with Sentinel (not that I blamed him) and more often than naught, trouble followed that duo. Magnus was sometimes able to stop them, but a lot of times it was too late. And Jazz.. well, he was Jazz. The Jettwins weren't any better either.

After that we lapsed into a comfortable silence, nothing but the sound of the air and Prowl's engine permeating the silence.

Soon enough, we rolled up into the abandoned warehouse, Prowl stopping to let me off as I pulled my helmet off. Prowl transformed, the both of us striding in. "Pwowl!! (Y/n)!" A cute little mechanical chirp sounded and we both paused, looking around to see every bot except Ratchet were small bots —babies. The one who called out being Bumblebee.

"Um.. Ratchet, what happened?" I paused, slowly raising a brow.

"How would I know? I wasn't here. I just came back." The medic huffed and I shook my head, Priam carefully walking over while I knelt down in the middle of all the small ones. Most everyone waddled over, Sentinel and Magnus being the only two who didn't.

"Do we know how to reverse the damage?" Prowl was the one to speak, a smile lighting my face as I hugged whoever I could.

"Hi little ones, how'd you get into this mess hm?" I chirped, rubbing Optimus' helm as he snuggled against me.

"Enoogon, sometin in it." The red and blue babe chirruped and I hummed, hugging him.

"Well, while we wait for Ratchet to get a cure, why don't we have some fun." I smiled tenderly, kissing them all on the helm.

It was a few hours after I managed to get everyone entertained that Sari stopped by, only to halt at the sight she was presented with. "Are those-"

"Yep. Baby bots. Ratchet's working on a cure while Prowl and I have been keeping them entertained." I chuckled, cuddling the jettwins who were very engrossed in the show I'd put on the tv.

"We believe something tainted the energon, so when they went to refuel it had de-aging effects on them." Prowl informed, kneeling beside my bundle and I.

"How long are they gonna be like this?" Sari tilted her head, sitting beside Bee to hug him and cuddle the small bot.

"Hopefully not much longer." I hummed, cuddling Optimus and Jazz under my arms.

"Bettewr not be." I heard Sentinel scoff and I huffed, glaring at him.

"Mech- behave or I'll put you in timeout." I warned, the arrogant baby glaring. "Besides, this form suits you. You already had the attitude of a sparkling." I shrugged, the others giggling.

"Hey-!" Sentinel whined and I grinned. He was cute as a baby bot, but his personality sucked.

"Sari, I believe your key may be what I need to get this final piece in place." Ratchet interrupted, the small girl standing and running over to the medic.

"Hey, Prowl? You ever think of sparklings?" I hummed softly, staring up at my mech who stilled.

"I-... haven't given it much thought, no." He swallowed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck cables while I blushed and gazed downward.

"I've always wanted kids... but I also just want someone to be truly in love with, to spend my entire life with. If I can't have one, I'll gladly have the other. And I already have you." I smiled shyly, rubbing my hands together.

I glanced up to see Prowl attempt to say something but was cut off by Ratchet and Sari cheering. 'Later.' He mouthed and I sighed, standing while one by one Ratchet gave the bots their antidote.

I was going to miss those lil babes and their cuddles...

I'm sorry, it's really not the best but I tried. I really did, I hope you like it and I'm so sorry it's taken this long to get it done.

Song: Rockabye - Clean Bandit (ft. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie)

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