✏️ Scenarios: Movie Date (Bots)

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A/n: The bots are in holoform


-Very confused but adorable boi
-Is more than willing to go on a movie date with you
-Has no clue what to do to prepare "Do I have to dress a certain way?"
-You giggle and tell him there's nothing special about it
-Makes sure to get there early for you
-Prefers comedy or romance movies (the adorable softie)
-You run off to get snacks and ask him is he wants popcorn or anything. "Hey I'm going to get popcorn, want some?" "What is popcorn?"
-You sigh and let him eat a few kernels a few different ways
-Finds out he loves popcorn with butter and proceeds to douse it with butter (YAS MAH BOIIII)
-Proceeds to eat most of the popcorn. "O-Optimus..." "This is so good"
-Holds you close to him in the theater and intertwines his fingers with yours
-Whispers sweet nothings just to watch you squirm "Optimussss sTahP!" "But you're so cute!"
-You constantly smack him telling him to focus on the movie especially after a nearby couple yell at you guys for being to loud
-He eventually stops and becomes an absolute cuddle bug eventually pulling you into his lap
-Over analyzes some details in the movie, "Why would he do that? How could he do that?" "Optimus, it's a movie..."
-Is sad when movie ends because he has to make you get up from him
-Wants to immediately get more tickets and watch another movie

-You have to drag him to the movie theater, "Why do we have to do this?" "Because it's been awhile since we've been on a date now come on!"
-Warns about how unhealthy some of the food is there
-You get a giant bucket of extra buttery popcorn anyway
-Earns a scowl from Ratchet
-Forces him to eat some and he immediately steals it from you, "But-" "It's mine now"
-Still shares with you
-Watches relatively any type of movie
-Will slightly snuggle you into him
-Criticizes any scene dealing with wounds or doctoral actions, "That's not the procedure!" "Ratchet, shut up!" "If they're going to do it, they need to do it right!"
-You shush him and tell him to just enjoy the movie
-Everyone around you moved to get away from y'all
-Is happy when it's over cus he's tired from sitting for hours, "Finally! I'm never doing this again!" "But..babe!"
-Immediately rushes out of the theater "Ratchet wAiT!"

-Grumbles at first, complaining "Who wants to sit for hours watching some fake whatever?" "Um...like the entire human race or people that just want to go on a date with their significant other!"
-"Fine but we're watching it here"
-Cuddles with you in your shared room
-Prefers action movies
-Doesn't care for any movie snacks, "Popcorn?" "No." "But...it's like a necessity." "No!"
-Peppers you with kisses while you try and focus on the movie "Sideswipe, you're distracting me!" "So? What if I want your attention?"
-You throw your snacks at him to try and get him to stop "Watch the movie!!!"
-He eventually steals all ze snacks and keeps them from you "Sideswipe.." "You gave them to me" "SiDeSWipE!"
-You pout and threaten to kick him out of the room, "Give me my fluffin snacks bish!" "Then don't throw them at me!"
-Grumbles and steals a kiss before returning your snacks
-Steals some and eats it like the butt he is, "Thought you didn't want any movie snacks?" "Thought you wanted to focus on the movie."
-Cuddles with you after the movie

-Very excites boi
-Runs around base hours before y'all leave screeching about how excited he is "Bumblebee, calm dOwN!"
-You have to force him to chill before he accidentally steps on someone "Bee you almost stepped on Miko!" :; Sorry :;
-Speeds to the theatre
-Activates his holoform and sprints to the theatre leaving you behind "Babe! wAiT!"
-Eventually turns and runs back to you
-Picks you up and carries you in "What are you doing?" :; Just relax I got you :;
-Embarrasses you x100 "Put me downnn!!" :; Nope :;
-Lets you choose the movie while he runs in and grabs all the snacks
-Cannot stop smiling
-Cuddles with you and gets very into the movie
-Shouts when it's over cus he doesn't want it to be over
-Managers have to force him out "Sir, we need to clean for the next showing."
-Wants to watch another

-Is a lot like Bee
-"I get to go on a date with my (f/n)!"
-Almost steps on you a few times
-"Smokey! Calm the frick down!"
-He transforms and drives up to you, almost running you over "Smokescreen! If you run me over you won't have a (y/n) to date!"
-Becomes sad boi
-You kiss his dash and forgive him and he immediately cheers up
-Takes you by the arm and drags you into the theatre
-Looks at everything
-Like everything
-"Smokescreen, did you want anything?" "Look! It's a cutout!" "Yes Smokey, I know."
-Hugs you from behind while you order your snacks and stuff
-Steals popcorn when you aren't looking
-You hear the crunching and look at him curiously "Did you steal some of my-" "No..."
-You sit against each other and hold hands
-He throws some popcorn at you to which you throw some back and start a popcorn throwing war
-A manager gets involved
-You almost get kicked out
-You both just sit quietly and watch the movie
-When it's over you both rush back to base and watch a few movies in your shared room while cuddling

Ultra Magnus
-Claims not to have any extra time to 'goof off'
-Sees your sad and disappointed face and immediately picks you up and carries you into y'alls room
-"Magnus?" "I guess I can spare a few hours"
-Parks his alt mode and activates his holoform next to you
-He came prepared
-With all the best snacks
-"Magnus..." "Hm?" "I fucking love you"
-Scolds you for swearing
-"I don't give two shits, I fucking love you." "(f/n).." "Fucking deal with it"
-He gives up and kisses your head
-Plays with your hair during the movie
-Passes out at some point
-You smile and cuddle up to him
-Yeah, y'all just chilled out and eventually took a nap

-Is totally down to watch a movie with you, as long as it's an action movie and nothing else
-Plops his head on your shoulder as y'all sit on the bed
-He's just really chill
-Perfect for dates
-Although he does throw food at you
-And teases/flirts with you
-There's no getting up from him
-You go to stand and his arms automatically wrap around you and pull you back down
-"Ironhide, I need to pee.." "You're warm" "I'll be warmer in a minute if you don't let me go to go pee"
-Lets you go long enough for you to do what you need
-After the movie's over he just sits with you playing with your hair and cuddling
-Was a chill night

-Very wary of this idea
-His pride could be at stake
-Chase talks some sense into him and he approaches you, agreeing
-One condition....NO ROMANCE MOVIES
-He already has to deal with Blades
-In fact, you're not allowed near the movie case
-HE is choosing the movie
-Activates his holoform and pulls you to him
-Melts into a huge softy now that you guys are alone
-Actually enjoys the movie
-Gets a little annoyed with the sounds of you eating though
-Hates bag crinkling noise
-Claims you're chewing too loudly
-Takes your snacks away to quiet the room
-Regrets it upon seeing your depressed face
-Relents and gives you your snacks back
-REFUSES to eat any
-Human food? No thank you
-I said no
-(Y/n)...get the snacks away from him
-Is happy boi now
-At the end of the movie he suggests spending alone time with him in his alt.
-Really doesn't want to go back out to the others
-He loves you so much.

-"I have read about these "dates" in many relationship magazines"
-Hold up, what?
-Chase, why you reading relationship magazines?
-He wants to be the perfect boyfriend to you
-He's innocently adorable
-Like Omg treasure him
-Lock him away
-He's also a nervous boi
-He does not want to mess this up
-He goes to chief for advice
-He's honestly too cute
-He has Charlie go and get flowers for him to give to you
-And snacks
-So many snacks
-He's done his research
-When it comes to watching the movie he lets you choose
-Although, he will give his feedback
-Very opinionated
-He does not hesitate to criticize the movie elements
-"This does not seem safe, should they be doing that?"
-"This is teaching children to defy the law"
-Chase, chill out
-It's a movie
-Please stop
-Someone help him
-He will finally relent and try to relax
-All in all, was a good date
-He enjoyed it
-He wants cuddles now
-Love him
-Just...please love him

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