[Request] Unrecognizable (KO)(TFP)

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Knockout x OC

This was requested by CrystalMizaro  her prompt is a bit of a long one but it's kinda angsty and action packed. This is Knockout x her OC Shadeglider

"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away"

Scenery passed by in a blur as I zipped through the air, one mission in mind. I had my scanners pulled up and I angled downwards as I neared my designation target spot. When I was close enough to the ground, I transformed and silently dropped into a tree. The branch I stood on was strong and sturdy, perfect for a perch.

Running through my internal drives, I cloaked my energon signal to ensure I wouldn't be detected prematurely. Then I sat and waited. Anger filled my fuel lines as I recalled recent events.

Suddenly, I heard slight clicking and quickly armed myself with a broadsword I'd had since my training. I watched as Arachnid walked by and I waited for the perfect moment to strike. She was just walking under the branch I was perched on when I jumped down and landed on her back. Arachnid groaned as she hit the ground before hissing. "Who dares attack me?!" She growled and I smirked.

"You didn't expect to get away with your crime did you? There's a principal called Karma, and it just caught up with you." I growled.

"Oh is this about Breakdown? I didn't realize you two were close." The spider femme purred and my optics narrowed as I pressed the edge of my blade along her neck cables. I growled lowly and before I knew it, webbing shot out towards me and knocked me backward. My sword slipped from my grasp and my backstruts hit a tree. I glared at Arachnid as she slowly stood, walking towards me. "You're going to have to better than that if you want to get rid of me." She taunted and I rolled my optics.

I secretly transformed my servo into my blaster, staring down the femme. "I'm surprised you don't recognize me. I was only top of my class and known as the most ruthless femme seeker on Cybertron." I smiled. Arachnid hissed and drew closer, raising one of her spider-like appendages towards my faceplates.

"Oh yeah? Yet I have you in my hold."

"Because I let you." I smiled, aiming my blaster as best I could and firing. It hit the femme in the tanks and she screeched, sliding backwards a few feet while I quickly freed myself. "Oops, sorry Arachnid, guess you're used to feeding on weakened prey."

She growled and started firing at me. I chuckled and dodged her blaster shots, flipping over them until I landed near my sword. I quickly picked it up and wasted no time and throwing it towards the femme. It made impact in her shoulder plating and I rushed towards her, grabbing the handle and ripping it out, Arachnid's arm with it.

She screeched and reeled back, holding her injured shoulder plate. "You'll pay for that!" She hissed and I smirked, propping my blade over my shoulder and casually walked towards her.

"Oh yeah? You've not landed a single hit on me and you've just lost an arm." I baited. She growled and ran at me, while I simply rolled out of the way and planted the blade of my sword into the ground. "Is that the best you got? I'm not even trying." I laughed as she pivoted and turned towards me.

Her optics narrowed and I quickly transformed my servo into a blaster, firing at her and pushing her back while I walked forward. I glanced to the side and spotted the excess webbing that had been shot at me and gathered an idea.

I kept up heavy fire while using one servo to lay a sticky trap for the spider bot. Arachnid was suddenly running towards me and I stopped shooting, waiting for the right moment. When she was only about a foot away, I lept to the side into a roll and grabbed my sword, hearing Arachnid grunt.

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