Rodeo Clown (OP)(Cowboy AU)(NSFW)

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Cowboy!Optimus x Cowgirl!Human!Reader

"Save a horse, ride a cowboy"

Thundering cheers and stomping on bleachers vibrated the bones in my body as I exhaled softly. The sun was shining brightly, some small, puffy clouds floating in the sky as heat reigned supreme here in Texas. My hat blocked out a lot of the golden rays but it didn't change the heat from making sweat soak my skin. My hands were in the pockets of my jeans, boots not helping as they made my feet sweat. My hair was loosely tied back in a low ponytail, eyes scanning the arena as the male barrel racers flew across the dirt.

"Next up, Orion Peterson riding his beautiful mare Dixie! This man is an up-and-come from Montana and making his first round on the circuit. Why don't we give 'im a good ol' Texas welcome!" The announcer shouted into the mic, a nicely built man riding out on a palomino paint horse as the crowd whooped and cheered. He had a black cowboy hat on with silver lining, dark hair shining in the sunshine. I've never heard of him before.. Orion clicked and urged the mare back before doing a small circle and letting her take off. The crowd erupted in louder shouts and cheers again, the cowboy taking the barrels smoothly. My eyes went to the timer, seeing the time to beat quickly approaching.

I didn't even see as he came home, the timer stopping a second shy of the previous best. The thundering steps on bleachers sounded again, making my lips twitch as I shook my head. This guy's good.

"(Y/n)! Come on! Time to get your number, this is the last guy!" My best friend shouted from behind me, making me nod.

"I'm comin'!" I hollered back, sliding my hands from my pockets as I turned on my heel and made my way over to the holding stalls to get Foxy. My head snapped up at the sound of hoof steps, humming as Orion emerged from the arena exit. "You got some skill, took those barrels like a pro." I complimented as I passed, Orion dismounting as his black and blue flannel rippled in the wind.

"Oh, thanks. That's all Dixie here though." He smiled gently, making me shake my head. "You competing?" He asked, making me stop and turn to face him.

"Guess you'll have to stick around and find out." I grinned, taking in his sparkling dark brown eyes that glittered at my comment. His light pink lips quirked, a soft chuckle coming from him. His features were sharp, skin a nice olive tan that was probably somewhat from the hours spent in the sun.

I had to force myself to turn around, mentally admitting to myself that he was attractive. I stopped in front of my chestnut quarter horse who was happily munching his hay in his stall. Foxy nickered as he saw me, poking his head over the door while I chuckled. "Come on girl, you're part of the early lineup." (F/n) huffed as she approached and I arched a brow at her. "Hey, d'you meet the new guy? He seems pretty hot... did you see the way he ran that course?" She suddenly perked, eyes straining to see Orion while I shook my head.

"Yeah, hard to believe he's new. Wanna see if he's willing to take you home?" I glanced at her while she blinked before smacking me.

"No! I got Dustin and no one can fuck me like him. But, I bet he'd let you ride him." She commented and it was my turn to smack her. "What?! It's been a while since you've gotten anything, he seems like he'd be fun. You're both young and he's clearly got skill-"

"Horses and girls are two entirely different entities. I'd like to at least somewhat know a guy before I hook up with him or anything. I mean yeah, he's attractive and he seems sweet but able to match my humor but that could just be charm. He could honestly be a douche." I cut in, opening the stall door as I clicked my tongue for Foxy. "Besides, I'm at a point where I'm not sure I just want a one night stand. I don't know, alright? Kinda want someone of my own. I know it's hard in this occupation, but I mean you did it." I shrugged, grabbing the saddle horn as I shoved my foot in the stirrup and pulled myself up onto my gelding.

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