Trust (SW)(TFP)

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Soundwave x Femme!Reader

"It's always been a matter of trust"

My pedsteps sounded along the hallway as I walked towards the communications room on the warship. I was placed as Soundwave's right-servo femme. One reason was because we were sort of in a relationship and the other, well I just happen to be an amazing hacker.

There was one issue that presented itself with my relationship with Soundwave...I've never heard his real voice or seen his real face. We'd been together for millennia but he's not entrusted me with those secrets.

For a while I could understand that, and I didn't mind it. We both had our secrets. But at this point I was starting to believe that maybe he wasn't fully in the relationship, maybe it was an unrequited love.

I vented as the door opened and I glanced over to my significant other before heading to my station and started attacking the work that needed to be done. I was tasked with trying to break through the layers of coding and encryption in different human technologies to held aid in the search for the autobot base.

It was difficult but I would expect nothing less from the autobots, they didn't want to be found. I quickly found myself getting absorbed into my work that I didn't notice a certain slender mech approaching me. It wasn't until his arms wrapped around me that I jumped with a yelp and crashed down to the floor.

I rolled onto my backstruts and saw the very perplexed seeming Soundwave, it was hard to tell with that visor of his. His posture however, revealed to me that I had startled and confused him. He held out a servo to me that I accepted graciously.

"Sorry Sounders, you startled me." I muttered, feeling a bright blue blue creep onto my faceplates. I rubbed my neck cables and watched as he shook his helm and wrapped his arms around me in a hug yet again.

I quickly returned it and snuggled into his chassis where Laserbeak was nestled. "I love you Soundy." I murmured. He replayed a clip of me saying I love you and then a clip of Megatron stating my name and while I smiled, inwardly I frowned.


I was hard at work at my station when Megatron contacted me through my comlink. "(y/n)...we are in need of your basic medical training. Soundwave has cracked his visor and he resfuses to let anyone but you repair it." he growled. I tensed and agreed, not wanting to be the cause of his prolonged anger.

I scurried out and ran over to the medical wing, sliding into the already open doors. I noticed Knockout, Megatron and Soundwave all present in the room and Soundwave's visor had a decent sized crack in it.

"How did this happen?" I demanded.

"Soundwave was sent to uncover a relic when he was attacked by the autobot Wheeljack." Megatron surmised. I vented and nodded before ushering the mechs out.

"I don't know how you expect me to fix your visor if you refuse to let me even see your face." I crossed my arms. "Do you not trust me?" I asked, vulnerable side taking over.

Soundwave reached a long arm out to me and pulled me closer to him. "Soundwave is scared." He spoke, except this was a voice I didn't recognize. He sat there, seemingly tense while I stood confused.

After a few minutes the figurative lightbulb flickered on and my features brightened. "Oh my Primus! Sorry, I wasn't, I don't know." I babbled and Soundwave let out a small chuckle.

"Sweetspark, I don't care about what you look like, I fell in love with you just the way you are. I didn't mean to make you feel pressured I just...I overthink." He nodded and turned, removing the mask from his face.

He handed it back to me and I turned to work on repairing it. After a while of working I felt arms snake around my waist and a servo on my chin. "Soundwave, don't you want your-" I paused as he tilted my helm to look at him.

His optics were a bright amethyst and faceplates littered with scars. Lubricant welled in my optics and I pressed a kiss to his cheekplate. "You're handsome Sounders." I murmured. A blueish tint covered his face and he pressed his dermas to mine.

I smiled and happily kissed him back before pulling away to stare into his beautiful optics. he sent a small smile my way and I giggled a little before turning to continue my work.

As I was working I felt the need to share a secret of my own considering the huge step Soundwave just took. I vented and turned to face the mech who was sitting on the medical berth, watching me curiously.

"I was forced into a bond with somemech before." I whispered. He perked up and his optics snapped to mine as I held his attention. I broke the optic contact and looked down to my pedes. "He uh, he abused me and almost shattered my spark. I was able to break the bond and flee but he still haunts me in my recharge. It almost feels like the bond still lingers. It's why I'm so nervous around you."

I heard his soft steps and something nuzzled into my chest. I looked to see it was Laserbeak and I gave him plenty of pets. Soundwave lifted my helm to look him in the optics. "I would never force anything on (y/n)...I am sorry you had to endure such pain. Mech will be found and offlined."

I gave him a small smile and hugged him, careful of Laserbeak who was still very much in want of cuddles. "I trust you." I murmured into his chassis.

"And I you."

Song: A Matter of Trust - Billy Joel

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