✏️ Unending Love (OP)(NSFW)(Bayverse)

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Optimus x Human!Reader

"I'm gonna love you"

There was a loud splash as Sideswipe launched himself into my pool. "What do we want to give him?!" Lennox shouted. Some soldiers shouted '8' or '9'. "What?! I did so much better than an eight!" Sideswipe defended. "You were kinda sloppy on your entry." I snorted, causing the mech's holoform to scowl in my direction. I was standing near the edge with Arcee next to me. We both wore bikini's of our favorite colors watching as some of the boys had a diving competition.

So far Bumblebee was in first place. Sideswipe was in second followed by Epps. Next up to the competion was my beloved boyfriend and autobot leader, Optimus Prime. He objected profusely at first until I made a couple threats about his cuddles and kisses. While he would never admit it aloud, the alone time we got together were some of his favorite hours in the day. Nothing would get in the way of his kisses or cuddles.

We had gathered at my house for a small pool party and all the autobots were in their holoform. Some of the soldiers came as well and invited their significant other. There were many speedos but thankfully, Optimus wasn't wearing one. He had normal swim trunks on that matched his alt. mode. I took the time to slowly look him over, taking pride in his holoform although I still absolutely loved his true form. However, the things that happened when he was in holoform may have had a small sway on my feelings.

"Come on Prime, your turn." Lennox smiled over at Optimus. "Come on babe!" I shouted. I got some whoops that backed me up. He stepped up on the crate that served as a step up. Without warning he launched himself into the water gracefully. He surfaced near me and ran a hand through his hair.

"That's a solid 10 right there!" Anthony shouted. I knelt down to be face to face with Prime. "I don't know...I think it could've been better." I teased. He raised an eyebrow at me, "Oh yeah? How so?" He asked. I hummed in thought when I suddenly felt a push on my back and was launched into the water. I surfaced to hear everyone laughing. I simply shook my head and glanced around. "Who the hell shoved me?" I growled as Optimus swam over to me, allowing me to wrap an arm around his shoulder to keep me up.

Arcee sent me a small smirk and I huffed, swimming over to the edge where she was. "Come here." I smiled. She knelt down with a raised brow. I quickly grabbed her arms and pushed off the pool wall, pulling her over me and into the water. She let out a yelp and glared at me when she surfaced. I simply chuckled and watched as one by one, people starting shoving and pulling others into the water.

Someone found my water guns and it became an all out water war.


I was leaning against the pool wall corner. We all had calmed down and most people had gotten out and left. It was just down to me and Optimus. He swam over to me and flashed me a lazy grin. I chuckled, "What?" I asked. "Just admiring a beautiful human specimen before me" He replied. I chuckled with a slight eye roll, he was such a flirt when no one was around. I pushed off the wall and swam into his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands rested on my hips and we slowly leaned into a kiss.

We pulled away and touched foreheads. Some of his hair lay in front of his eyes, still dripping with water. "I love you." I murmured before placing another kiss on his lips. He smiled, "I love you too." I tightened my arms around him and buried my face into his neck. We stood embraced for a little while before he nudged my face away to look at him.

"I know things have been crazy but I'm not sure I could've gotten through it without you." He stated. I offered a half smile. "I'm sure you could've. You're Optimus Prime after all." He frowned. "That may be true but I feel like no one if I don't have you. I may be a Prime but that's just a title. Having you with me, you make things so much easier and so much more enjoyable."

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