Soft Caresses P. 1 (IH)(Bayverse)

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Ironhide x Human!Reader

"Show me a piece of your heart"

I opened the hangar doors that lead inside base where the Autobots lounged and strode across the floor to my commanding officer. He was currently talking to Optimus in his holoform but they each were relaxed and Lennox was even chuckling so I didn't mind interrupting.

I got up to them and Optimus was the first to notice my presence, azure blue eyes slid over to my (e/c) ones and he had a small smile on his face. "Hello (y/n), how might we be able to help you?" He asked, blueish black hair shuffling atop his head as he tilted it.

"Oh um, my sister is getting married in a few weeks so I was wondering if it would be possible for me to take that week off and go and see her and be there for the wedding? I was also kinda hoping I could have one of the bots accompany me." I explained, glancing between the 6' 4" human commander and 6' 7" Autobot commander's holoform.

"Wow, seems like you've got your bases covered." Lennox chuckled to which I fidgeted with my hands a bit.

"Yes sir, I do." I smiled slightly, trying to ease my nervousness away. Lennox clapped a hand on my shoulder.

"Relax (y/n), it's good that you've thought this out." He flashed a reassuring smile.

I breathed out before glancing at Optimus. "It's funny you bring that up though." Lennox commented. I arched a brow at the both of them in confusion. "We already knew of the occasion, we were actually hoping to talk with you about it later ourselves." He explained.

"Oh." I muttered. I scratched the back of my head as Optimus shuffled slightly.

"Commander Lennox already sent in a request on your behalf to go attend, which has already been approved. I, however, was trying to determine who I should send to accompany you." Optimus spoke up. I glanced over at him to see him cross his arms.

"We decided it might be best if Ironhide went with you, he'd be one of the best to help defend you and he's very alert. He's very adept at what he does and I trust him entirely." Optimus finished, arms going slack at his sides.

My eyes widened and I breathed out a sigh. "Wow, and you guys said I was prepared." I chuckled. The commanders huffed a small chuckle as well before I realized what Optimus just said. "Wait, Ironhide?" I asked, nerves starting to kick in again.

"Is there a problem with that (y/n)?" He asked, brows furrowing.

"N-no, I was just making sure." I smiled while inside I was panicking. I had to spend a week with him, hours in his alt. form. Yes, I might've developed feelings for the mech and I had no clue how I was going to survive this.

I was so deep in thought I missed the glance the commanders shared before returning their gaze to me. "Well, thanks you guys. I appreciate it." I beamed after throwing myself from my thoughts. I wrapped my arms around Lennox with a hug and he ruffled my hair.

"No problem kiddo." I pulled away from him and turned to Optimus who looked at me like he knew what was coming. He sighed with a small smile on his lips and I hugged him too. It had become a bit of a game between us, if you will.

Optimus was like a second father to me and the first time I ever hugged him, I ended up tackling him to the floor because he was surprised and unprepared. He also wasn't the most in tune with actions such as hugging.

"Well, I'm going to go find Ironhide and talk stuff out with him so I'll see ya boys later!" I cheered with a wave as I spun around and trotted off to find the canon loving mech.

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