✏️ Accidents Happen (R)(TFP)

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Ratchet x Human!Reader

"I bleed when I fall down, I'm only human"

I was currently driving to the secret meeting place for the night. I was a street racer, of course against the autobot rules, but I didn't really care. I was human, I was on my own time. Once I was dropped off at my house, they couldn't really stop me. I've been street racing since shortly after a could drive.

I drove up and took my place in line and waited for the flag drop. This was probably the most nerve wracking part, waiting for that go signal. We were racing around some woods. I've only driven this course once or twice but I figured it couldn't be too bad. I pulled out my phone and looked to see if I could figure out the course. There was a narrow section that may cause some issues but as long as I got ahead I should be fine.

I heard engines revving and I smirked. I put on some music and tossed my phone into the cubby in the center console. Some light rock music played through the car and I gripped the steering wheel. I revved my engine and moved one hand down to the shift lever.

I watched as the lady holding the flags dropped them and the race was on. I put pedal to the metal and pulled out ahead of mostly everyone else. I smirked and shifted into overdrive, trying to catch up to those ahead of me. I recognized one of the cars as Vince, the high school kid from Jack's school. He was annoying and in the lead. I pressed a button in my car that inected nitro fluid into my car.

My car jolted forward and in my side mirrors I saw some others catching up to me. I shrugged it off, knowing they wouldn't be able to pass me. We were nearing the narrow section and I was trying to catch up and pass whoever I could before there wasn't really going to be room. I made the stupid mistake of not watching my rear view mirror. I didn't really think about it considering I thought I was too far ahead. We also had just passed into the narrow section and I didn't think anyone would be passing me.

However, one of the guys behind me slammed in the side of the back of my car, causing me to spin out. I couldn't gain control of the car and I went rolling to the side. The car flipped and was tumbling down the side of the small hill. My seat belt was hurting me but it was better than being sent through the window. Suddenly the car slammed into a tree and jostled me. I blacked out for a little bit. When I woke up, my head hurt and I was upside down.

I groaned and slowly undid my seatbelt, slamming down onto the inside roof of my car. I looked around and realized I was stuck inside my car. It was getting hard for me to just stay awake. "Now I know why they say no street racing..." I groaned to myself. I heard and saw my phone so I reached over and grabbed it. The bright light made my head worse but I new I needed to get ahold of someone.

I texted the first person on my message list. Turns out it was Miko. 'Need help...crashed'  There were black and white spots clouding my vision. That's all I could type before a sharp pain shot through my head as my headache intensified. I looked myself over and saw cuts and bruising all over my body. I could feel blood trickle down my face and knew I was in bad shape. I was trying to pry open my door as my phone suddenly went off.

I answered it, "H-hello?" I murmured. "Hey! Where are you exactly?" It was Miko. "I..I don't....I don't know." I replied before groaning. "Hey, (f/n)! Stay awake, keep talking to us!" Miko shouted. I tried moving but felt a sharp pain shoot through my side. "Who's us?" I asked through gritted teeth. That's when the familiar voice of a very grouchy bot sounded, "That would be me and Miko." Ratchet responded.

"Shit..." I murmured. I heard a click and then another familiar baritone voice came through my phone. "(f/n) are you alright?" "I don't think so..." I replied. I felt my body getting weak and I fell down onto my side. My phone slipped from my hand but I was too weak to try and reach it. "I-I'm...sorry." I whispered. I heard multiple sighs and tried reaching for my phone. I heard Optimus saying something and Ratchet chiming in but I couldn't hear them due to my phone not being on speaker. I groaned, "God..dammnit!" I cursed.

I pushed myself forward but let out a pained scream. I looked to see that my ankle looked broken. "(f/n)!!" I heard a loud shout through my phone. I felt hot tears run down my face and my head was getting heavy and blackness was slowly taking over my vision. I was barely able to reach my phone but everything went black before I could say anything.


"(f/n)...." I heard a distant voice. (f/n) come on wake up please." The voice sounded a little clearer. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with a blinding white light. I shielded my eyes and let out a groan. "Guys! She's awake!" I heard Miko shout. I winced, "Miko..please don't yell..." I pleaded. She looked at me apologetically. I heard many footsteps as Miko helped me sit up.

I looked over to see all of Team Prime in their holoforms, Jack and Raf. Ratchet jogged over to me and quickly checked me over. "You know the rules about street racing..." Optimus stated. I looked over to see his face full of worry and slight disappointment. "I know...I just. I don't know to be honest." I replied.

I felt Ratchet place his hand on my shoulder, "It's alright, now that you're ok. And as long as you stop street racing." He slightly smiled. "Thanks Ratch." I smiled back. The others slowly left to attend to their duties and then it was just the medic and I. "I was worried about you y'know. Especially after you went silent." He spoke sadly. "I'm sorry..." I apologized.


Over the course of the next couple of weeks, Ratchet helped me get back to functioning normal and it was actually kinda fun. He'd try and crack jokes and I'd just deadpan. Although there was one thing he couldn't stop, nightmares. After a few days he let me leave medbay but assigned me to the couch, as there weren't any human rooms in the base.

Every night I'd wake up soaked in sweat and breathing heavily, sometimes screaming. No one was ever around to help me nor did they ever seem to hear me. Tonight was different though. I was laying on the couch, slowly drifting into sleep. The second I passed out, the crash played in my head again. However, before I hit the tree someone jolted me awake. I looked over to see Ratchet's holoform sigh in relief.

His holoform disappeared and his bi-pedal form walked over, he held out his hand to me. I climbed on and he held me up to his chassis. "Don't worry, I'm here." He stated. I smiled and dozed off to the warmth of his spark.

When I woke up, I was atop someone's shoulder. I groaned a little and sat up. "Good morning (f/n)." Ratchet greeted as he glanced over at me. "Oh, hey." I responded. He held up a servo and I climbed onto it. He brought me up to be level with his optics. "So what happened last night? You were passed out and then you were whispering something and then started screaming. That's when I ran over and woke you up." Ratchet explained.

I sighed and brought my knees up to my chest, placing my chin on my knees. I took a deep breath and looked into his optics, "Ever since the crash, I've been having these nightmares. It's more like the events leading up to the crash keep replaying. Kinda like PTSD." I explained shakily.

Ratchet let out a sigh and set me down on top of the monitor before his holoform appeared next to me and hugged me. I hesitantly hugged back. "I won't let anything like that happen to you again. I promise. For now, until your mind heals, you will be sleeping near wherever I am got it?" He stated sternly. I giggled a little and nodded. "Sure thing doc."

Song: Human - Christina Perri

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