Under Pressure (OP)(Bayverse)

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Optimus x Human!Reader

"My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to"

I sat on the couch in the living room, eight and half months pregnant. I could hardly believe that this was happening, I was going to bear a child. I had worries, as did Optimus, but we promised to help each other through them all. He was excited and nervous to meet his precious child, to the point he became a little obsessive. He spent a lot of time here at home rather than at base, although I wasn't complaining, and he refused to let me do anything.

It was sweet, but very tiring.

It's really no surprise that I'm pregnant, the day Ratchet fixed their holoforms to be 100% anatomically correct, Optimus and I...well we had a long night of fun. It was filled with lots of confusion, worry and fear but in the end it was the best night of both of our lives.

A couple months later I had started showing symptoms of being pregnant and it wasn't until Ratchet forced me to take a test that I found out that I was indeed, pregnant. I didn't want to tell Optimus at first, scared of how he would react. I mean yeah, sure, we were a couple but a couple is one thing. Having a child is another. I was scared.

He also had troops to take care of and a war to fight, there were just so much to think about.

But, when I finally told him he was ecstatic. He expressed his concerns but in the end he started crying tears of joy at the prospect of being a father, especially with me as the mother.

The door jiggling slightly brought me from my thoughts and I looked behind the couch to see the glorious holoform of my mate walk through. He placed keys down in the bowl, not that he needed them, and strode over to me. Bending down, he pressed a soft kiss to my forehead before stripping himself of his coat and hanging it up. "How's everything at the base?" I asked him once he had sat down next to me.

He sighed and cuddled into me, making me smile, he looked exhausted. I reached up and ran my fingers through his soft blue locks as his eyes started to droop closed. "There was another incident with the twins." He grumbled and I shook my head. "The two got into a fight and ripped a few wires from the wall, inhibiting communications. With Ratchet's help along with a few other humans, we were able to fix it." He murmured.

I frowned and kissed the top of his head, letting him cuddle into me. This was how a lot of our time was spent when he got home. He would latch onto me in some manner and we'd sit quietly or watch tv. Sometimes our roles would be reversed, normally on the days he didn't go to base -which were surprisingly often- and I'd lay in his lap while he helped me relax.

The TV was playing softly in the background, having been put on the show Friends. I watched as Optimus' chest evened out as his breaths slowed and I realized he had fallen asleep. He looked so peaceful and adorable when he was asleep. His head was on my legs, facing away from me while one arm sort of was wrapped around me and the other was propped under his head, hand against my stomach.

I smiled and shuffled so that I was laying against the armrest, shifting Optimus into a more comfortable position where his legs were on the couch. I watched him sleep for a little bit, seeing a small smile on his lips as the child within me would kick occasionally.

I suddenly felt hungry and mentally groaned. I didn't want to get up but I was not about to wake up Optimus just so he could get me food. No, he needed the rest. I could do this. I slowly maneuvered myself off the couch, gently laying Optimus on the couch without disturbing him.

I made my way into the kitchen and opened the fridge to locate some of my vanilla yogurt that I stashed away. It was something I had been craving recently, along with berries to make a little parfait. I squatted down to grab everything when I suddenly felt a sort of pop before my pants and thighs were suddenly being coated in fluid. I froze before realizing what had happened and tried to push myself up but my legs collapsed instead. I started to panic a little, I couldn't get up. "Damnit. Optimus!" I shouted, hoping it was loud enough to wake him up. I heard a groan before the sure, quick but unsteady steps of my mate as he quickly staggered into the kitchen. He glanced around before spotting me, kneeling as he rubbed his eyes.

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