If The Bots Met Festive Parties (TFP)

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This is technically a 3-part winter/Christmas special. Part one here is centered around TFP Bots. Part two will be focused around TFP Cons and part three Bayverse.

This features some Ultra Magnus x Reader

"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart"

I sighed as I slowly opened my eyes, frowning as I didn't feel the familiar chill in the air that I had gotten used to from my childhood. I had moved here from New York when I was 20 and have been here for about a year and a half. I still wasn't used to the fact that I no longer got to wake up to snow in winter-time. Sure, it got cool.. but never cold. It was the one thing I hated about southern Nevada, the tropical climate preventing snowfall.

One good thing did come out of it though, I had met the autobots. I was a nurse and had worked alongside June Darby, getting close to her and her son to the point I was entrusted with their secret for my safety. I was also appointed a guardian. One, very strict, hardass of a commander. But despite it all, I had grown fond of the stoic Lieutenant.

Oh but it was silly, he was an alien. I was an alien to him. Two different species, incompatible. I knew better than to get my hopes up.

A loud air horn blast startled me from my thoughts and I was thankful I lived on the outskirts of town. I threw the covers off my body and padded over to the window, peeking behind the curtain to see Ultra Magnus on the side of the road. Sighing, I opened said window and called out to him to let him know I'd be down in a minute.

I didn't have to work today thankfully, but it did mean that I had to spend all day at base with two annoying teenagers.

I threw on a (f/c) t-shirt with black jeans and grabbed a black denim jacket. I brushed through my hair and teeth, throwing on some light makeup quickly before grabbing shoes and my purse. By then, I had heard my front door open and knew the mech had used his holoform and my house key I gave him for emergencies.

"Ms. (L/n)!" Magnus shouted as I came down the stairs and huffed.

"Chill out Magnus, I was just getting ready." I entered the living room to see the mech turned human standing there. He had on a blue button up tucked into dark blue trousers with a pair of dress shoes on. His light blue hair was cut into a crew cut, silver highlights hidden within it. He also had a silver watch on his left hand, said hands in his pockets as he looked at me sternly. He always dressed so formally...

"I have to be back at base, you were taking too long. You said you would be down in a minute and it has been approximately 25." He retorted, following me into my kitchen as I grabbed a muffin. I didn't need him to complain any longer about "wasting time".

I turned to face him with a sweet smile, patting his chest/shoulder as I walked past him. I could practically hear him rolling his eyes along with his quiet sigh of agitation. "Just get in." He grumbled, following behind me. I glanced over my shoulder at him with a perked brow, looking forward in time to open my front door and head out to his true form. "And do not get a single crumb in my interior or you will be banned from ever having any sort of your... food.. in my cabin." He added and I scoffed, might as well just throw my muffin away.

"Aren't you just in an amazing mood." I huffed, settling into the passenger seat and being extra careful not to get any muffin crumbs anywhere.  The mech grunted as his holoform settles, easily shifting into gear and driving.

"I could say the same for you." He huffed, spinning the steering wheel as he turned and spared a quick glance over at me. I sighed and finished my muffin, folding the wrapper and grabbing a little baggie out of my purse to use as trash. "Is everything alright Ms. (L/n)?" Magnus asked, genuinely concerned.

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