If The Bots Met The Season Of Love (TFP)

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These are the last two parts to my Valentine's Specials. These are a bit different than any scenario I've done but I'm thinking it's how I kinda wanna do scenarios. I dunno. I'm not taking scenario requests anymore because they're very stressful but I have a few planned and I don't think I'm gonna do them in a short story.

Anyway, I didn't do all the bots but I mean most of them are here. It's kinda short but I mean there's only so many bots I like and it's hard for me to write about characters I don't like unless it's a request.


Song: "Can't Help Falling In Love" - Elvis Presley

What they're Like: Optimus wants you to know how much you mean to him. He's very romantic and sweet, cliche and is very serious about the holiday.

What Do They Do: Optimus wouldn't do anything you're not comfortable with but he also wants to remind you of his deep love. If you let him he will go all out, maybe a treasure hunt, dinner and lots of cute gifts.

NSFW: Optimus would totally end the day with some nice sweet and sensual sex, putting some soft music on and taking his time with you. There's plenty of time for teasing but he wants that night to be about the love you share.

Song: "Hold You Til We're Old" - Jamie Miller

What They're Like: Ratchet isn't big on holidays in general, especially Valentine's. "Why do I need a date on the calendar as an excuse to treat you." But, considering he doesn't want you to think he doesn't care he'll let some of that extra soft side out with you.

What Do They Do: Ratchet doesn't go over the top, after all he feels like love can't be proven with gifts. But, he does give you a bouquet of your favorite flower(s) and some chocolates. He might even take you to dinner if you'd like.

NSFW: Like Optimus, Ratchet is willing to end the day with sweet sex. The day is about the both of you and he wants you to know that he loves you more than anything. He'll take his time and focus purely on you, loving you until you recognize his deep and unending love.

Song: "Love Songs" - Sarah Barrios

What They're Like: Sideswipe is a little confused on the holiday or even what to do, he's younger and inexperienced in anything pertaining to love. But, he does know what you like and how much you mean to him so he sees this day as another day he gets to spend loving you.

What Do They Do: Because Sideswipe doesn't know what he's doing, he's pretty basic when it comes to planning. He just wants time with you. So he'll take you on a drive, stop and have a picnic but honestly as long as you're with him he says it's a success.

NSFW: This mech is absolutely gonna love you at the end of the day. He's passionate in bed, constantly uttering that he loves you and everything he loves about you. It's a perfect ending to the day.

Song: "You Are My Sunshine" - Kina Grannis

What They're Like: Bumblebee is an excited little bee, very hyper when it comes to getting to do anything with you let alone have a whole day with you.

What Do They Do: Bee gets you lots of flowers and chocolates, taking you out for a drive before heading into town where he takes you to all the best little bakeries and ice cream shops. But, none of the sweets you both get could ever compare to how sweet he thinks you are.

NSFW: Bee would only have sex with you if you wanted. He's also completely ok with just cuddling for the night. If you both choose to, he would be very slow and loving, holding you close as he kisses all along your skin.

Song: "Fallin' (Adrenaline)" - Why Don't We

What They're Like: Smokescreen is much like Bee, excited and super lovey. This is the day he gets to spend it entirely with you and let loose.

What Do They Do: Smokey takes you for a joy ride, showing off a little before slowly moving through memories and taking you to all your spots and spots where all the big things were. First date, first kiss, etc.

NSFW: Much like Bee, he's not really focused on sex but if you want to end the day that way he won't object. Despite being energetic, sex between you two is sweet and tender. He's a little quick paced but every touch, kiss and movement is sweet.

Ultra Magnus
Song: "Haven't Met You Yet" - Michael Bublé

What They're Like: Ultra Magnus is a lot like Ratchet, unsure of the importance of Valentine's over any other. He almost doesn't do anything before Optimus talks to him and urges him to at least do something so that you don't feel like he doesn't care.

What Do They Do: Basic approach, he'll get you some flowers and chocolates before just spending the day with you in his room. He'll suffer through Hallmark movies with you just to ensure you're happy, and he secretly enjoys them too but he'd never admit it. And at night, if he's feeling up to it he'll cook dinner otherwise he'll just take you out to wherever you want.

NSFW: Depending on what you do, there could be lots of sex through the day. But, at night he definitely wants to treat you. He'll have bath sex as he tries to give you a massage before taking things up a notch, sex in bed with rose petals and candles. He loves to spice up the mood.

Song: "Right Here Waiting" - Richard Marx

What They're Like: Ironhide believes the holiday to be stupid and pointless but isn't going to pass up an opportunity to tease and love you for an entire day.

What Do They Do: Ironhide won't do much, not feeling the need to overdo it when all he wants is to enjoy the time with you. But he'll get you flowers, maybe a few gifts before cuddling with you and watching movies before going to dinner.

NSFW: You had better know this mech is going to love on you hard. Whether it be during movies or at night he will spend all the time you will allow him loving you. He's a little rougher but he still ensures you know he loves you no matter what.

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