Take a Breath (ST)(TFP)

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Starscream x Seeker!Reader

"I'm latching on to you"

I patrolled the hallways of the Nemesis, not having any duties to attend to at the moment. It had been a slow day today, Megatron had dispatched a team with Starscream to oversee one of the mines but everything seemed to be going well.

I was a seeker as well, having had served as Starscream's first lieutenant at the start of the war when he was an Air Raid Commander. I was there when he lost that position too, when our whole squadron died. I watched as he spiraled into depression. I was the only one left besides him. Of course there were other seekers but Starscream and I lost our whole team. I was there for him as much as I could be, helping ease the ache.

We both signed on to work closer to Megatron, Starscream for security and me because I had no use otherwise.

"Starscream to (y/d) requesting backup immediately. I repeat I need an as-agh!" Starscream's vocals rung in my audials before the transmission cut out. My optics widened and I ran to rally my team of flier vehicons before we ran off the Nemesis and flew to Starscream.

I watched as the mine came into view and the autobots were rapid firing on the team. I growled and dove down, locating Starscream almost immediately. I transformed and slammed down in front of everyone, servos in the air. I gritted my denta and knew I'd pay for this later but my best friend was badly injured.

All blasters shifted to me and the fliers took up defensive positions. I motioned for them to put their weapons down. "What do you want, con." Arcee spat.

I vented and looked at their leader who seemingly was beginning to understand. "I- Just take it all. We won't fight back, just- please." I stated, fear and concern filling me.

"And we're supposed to trust you why?" Arcee edged closer with her blaster pointed at my helm.

I vented and slowly rose one of my servos to my commlink and ensured it was just to the teams here. "Vehicon troopers. Return to the Nemesis. Drop everything and go, do not engage. That is an order from Commander (Y/d)." I ended the transmission and glanced over to the entrance of the mine, seeing the remaining troopers exiting.

Some looked as though they were going to fight but I simply growled. "I said don't!"

Everyone left, leaving Starscream and myself with the autobots. I vented after quickly glancing over the unconscious Seeker's frame and turned back to meet Optimus' optics.

"Just...please." I stated quietly, lubricant welling in my optics as my frame shook slightly.

"Optimus we can't seriously trust her! She's a decepticon!" Arcee shouted.

"She hasn't made any offensive moves Arcee, I don't think she wants to fight." Bulkhead chimed in.

Arcee growled and powered up her blaster. I grimaced and turned away to protect my face but the shot never came. When I glanced back over, Optimus had moved to push the femme's arm down. He glanced over at me, withdrawing his mask, and nodded.

"Thank you." I whispered and turned to run over to Starscream. I knew I probably should have waited until I knew I wouldn't be shot at but I was putting faith and trust in the autobots.

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