Stress Relief (OP)(TFP)(NSFW)

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Optimus x Human!Reader

"Give me that can't sleep love"

I breathed in and out steadily as I sat in class, the last class of the day. I hated college, I hated everything about college. I didn't even know why I was in college but I was already here and I figured it was almost the end of the year, I could push through.

If there was one good thing though, it was the fact that my boyfriend, or mate as he so preferred, picked me up everyday to take me home. He always made my day better and just seeing the spark in his eyes when he looked at me filled me up with so much serotonin it overflowed.

I scribbled more notes onto the crumpled piece of paper in front of me, having taken my frustrations out on it in the middle of the dreary lecture. The class was fun, I loved Geology, but the teacher was absolutely boring. His voice was monotonous and he went into way too much detail. Each slide of his presentation was packed full with words that we were forced to write by hand, half of it making no sense.

But thankfully, my saving grace came in the form of a familiar bell ring. While Mr. Prescot would try to tell us we couldn't leave, everyone would be halfway out the door by the time he finished his sentence.

I was quick to shove everything into my faded blue backpack and tossed it over my shoulder as I exited the large classroom, making my way over to the front of the college campus. The sun was starting to sink below the sky and I smiled a little at the bright colors that bathed the land.

I headed out to the sidewalk, looking around for a familiar red and blue semi truck that I loved so much.

That felt weird to say aloud as I thought about it. Yes, people loved their cars, going as far as to name them but my love was different. I was in literal love with a semi truck. But, I didn't care. That semi truck was however many tons of sweet and innocence with a voice that sounded like liquid sex and a body that should be considered illegal.

I shook my head, forcing myself to stop getting turned on by the thought of my alien lover while I was standing amongst peers. I wasn't embarrassed about who I was with but it wasn't everyday someone would run up to you and make a claim that they were fucking a literal semi truck. That's the sort of thing people call the cops on and beg that the person gets thrown into an insane asylum for a psychosis analysis. So, I forced myself to think of something else while I waited for my mate.

I glanced around before hearing a familiar voice call out from beside me. I turned and saw Optimus' holoform jogging over to me, blueish black hair swaying with the breeze as a small smile spread onto his face. He slowed to a walk as he neared me, keeping his electric blue eyes trained on my form. He stood at about 6'5", easily towering over me but I didn't care. His actual form was 30 feet, I was used to looking up at him.

"Good evening sweetspark." He murmured, gripping my hand. I smiled sheepishly and stood on my toes to press a kiss to his cheek.

"Hey Opti. I didn't see you." I commented and he nodded, turning to face where I figured he had parked. I followed his gaze until I faintly saw a glimpse of red in the back of the parking lot. "Oh you little sneak, trying to blend in huh?" I commented, returning my gaze to the mech-to-human.

He arched a brow as he glanced around to ensure no vehicles were approaching before leading me over to his true form. "As I believe you are aware, there are designated parking areas for the vehicle type of which I posses due to my larger frame." He countered and I snickered quietly.

That was his nice way of basically saying "I'm fucking huge, I'm a semi truck, I can't park just anywhere."

"I know I know, you just normally pull up to the curb and let me in." I mentioned as we walked, hands still tightly intertwined. Optimus huffed a laugh and pressed a quick kiss to the top of my head as we neared his true form.

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