[Request] Soft Caresses P.3 (IH)(Bayverse) (NSFW)

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Ironhide x Human!Reader

This was requested by @night-neon who requested a part 3 to my Ironhide series! This is a pretty straightforward request in which Ironhide finally gains a fully accurate holoform and shenanigans ensue!

"Your love's got me lookin' so crazy right now"

Being in a relationship with the autobot's weapon specialist was... different. He was a very caring mech deep down but, he was also a brute. It took him a little bit to learn how to not hurt me and to get used to the idea of us, as it took me some time as well, but in the end it's been really rewarding. As many times as Ironhide got fired up, he's never ever lashed out at me and we always reunited before going to sleep.

It certainly wasn't easy, but what relationship was?

It had been a few months since everything, returning to life as normal with the added bonus of not having to be extra cautious around him to avoid slipping up. We didn't broadcast our relationship, but it was more than obvious that something changed between us. And while I was still very peeved at Optimus and Lennox for setting it up this way, I was also grateful.

Ironhide rolled into base slowly, coming to a halt as his holoform jumped out with me shortly following. "Get your slag outta my bed." He huffed, making me arch a brow and shake my head at him. He had been all sorts of pissy all day and I had absolutely no clue why.

"Cut the attitude, I haven't done anything but exist." I huffed, climbing on his tire to haul my suitcase out of his bed and onto the floor.

"You woke up 4 hours late, that and human traffic is terribly annoying." Ironhide growled and I deadpanned. Was that seriously what had him so pissed off?

"You really need to just go blow up cacti or something. Honestly, if you're this pissy after something as simple as that you've got issues." I commented, hopping down after grabbing my duffel bag.

"Hey (y/n)! Nice to see ya, what's all the commotion about?" I heard Lennox's voice and turned to face my commanding officer while holding my bag over my shoulder. Optimus' holoform appeared behind him as well.

"Someone's a little high strung and needs to blow off steam." I huffed, watching my boyfriend roll his eyes. "Anyway, what's up? You both look like you're hiding a puppy in a box for me or something." I arched a brow, seeing both males trying to repress a somewhat giddy seeming look. Lennox shrugged, glancing between Ironhide and I.

"Anything... interesting, happen?" Will tilted his head and I paused, narrowing my eyes.

"I went to a wedding. I don't know what else you'd be expecting." I tested, Ironhide deciding he was done as he walked over and gave me a weird side hug/shoulder pat before deactivating his holoform to go presumably do some landscaping. "Fine, does that answer your question?" I huffed in defeat, seeing Lennox grin and shake his head.

"I thought I sensed the tension dissipate. Glad to see you both were able to work things out." Will hummed, glancing back at the autobot leader who was smiling faintly. Lennox held his hand up for a high-five towards Optimus, said mech blinking and staring at the raised hand. Optimus slowly raised a hand, Lennox taking it and giving the mech a high-five before turning back to me as I crossed my arms and glowered at them.

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