I'm Sorry (OP)(TFP)

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Optimus x Human!Reader

"Everytime I fall in love I go and fuck it up right when it gets good"

Here I was, sitting in my room, sobbing. I just did the stupidest thing I could've ever done and the sad thing is, I didn't regret it.

It's been about 6 months since I've met the Autobots. Within the first week I had formed a bond between each of them. Ratchet was like a Dad or Grandpa, Bulkhead was like the cool Uncle, Arcee was like a mom and Bee was like a brother. That left one 'Bot...Optimus. He wasn't like family, instead he had become the object of my affections.

We were both sitting on the couch, Optimus in his holoform and I in my pj's. I decided to stay the night at the base tonight because well, I'm just lazy.

We were watching a movie together, he had insisted watching it with me. I only chuckled and let him sit and enjoy the movie. I found myself shortly leaning against his arm, to which he didn't seem to care. I smiled warmly while thinking of how close we had become. Optimus was super kind and caring, protective even, of me. It was sweet.

In the middle of the movie, one of the characters said something that made me immediately think of the Prime. I tilted my head and look up at him, eyes tracing over the details of his face. The slight glow of his blue eyes, the scruff that dusted his jaw and upper lip, the sharp features- "(y/n)?" His voice snapped me out of my daze and it was then I noticed he was looking down at me.

"Oh uh..." I felt the heat rise to my cheeks and I quickly turned my attention back to the movie, embarrassed.

Soon, I felt him lightly messing with my hair, something he did to help sooth me. When the movie ended, Optimus stood up and turned to me. "You should rest." He knelt down slightly to look at me. I smiled and nodded. He smiled in return but didn't move. I felt a rush of courage and decided to take a risk. So, I leaned forward and kissed him.

It was short lived however when he quickly jerked away, "I'm not of your species." He reminded while standing. I sat there in shock before I felt the urge to cry. I quickly stood up and ran down the stairs, hearing following steps. A hand grabbed my arm and I turned to face the guilty and regretful face of the Prime's holoform.

"I'm..I'm sorry.." I whispered before yanking my arm away and running out of the base.

I could've swore he felt the same but apparently not. The way he looked at me was confusing though. He didn't look repulsed or disgusted but he also basically rejected me. I could still feel the linger of his lips.

I sighed and pulled my blanket tighter around me. 'Of course he would refuse you..you're a human, you're just his charge.' I growled to myself for being so naive and stupid, allowing myself to flop back and let sleep overcome me.


I refused to get up the next morning. I refused to go to base. I refused to do anything but lay on my bed and grovel. My phone went off every few minutes or so but I didn't bother even reaching for it. The last thing I wanted was to read it and find out that everyone thought I was stupid for even thinking about possibly being with Optimus.

Finally my phone stopped going off and I sighed in relief. I simply turned to lay on my back when my door was suddenly opened. I jumped and grabbed a pillow, holding it in front of me ready to throw.

"Thank Primus..." My eyes widened at the sight before me, a disheveled Optimus stood in my doorway. I tracked his movements as he took a few steps towards me, pushing his raven and navy hair back with a hand. "I was concerned that something happened to you." He murmured.

My brows furrowed and I placed my pillow back down before standing and walking over to Optimus. "Something did...his name is Optimus Prime." I growled. His eyes darted to mine before he closed them, drawing in a breath. One of his hands found its way onto my cheek and I quickly slapped it away, tears threatening to fall.

"(f/n)...I want to explain something." He started, hesitantly moving his gaze to me. I raised a brow, "Then explain or leave." I stated. He nodded and stepped back a bit. "I had thought that maybe you were too caught up in the moment to recollect that this was just a projection of myself. I thought that you didn't feel that way about me, more just this form." He sighed.

I crossed my arms, "You didn't stop to think that maybe I truly do like you Optimus?" I questioned. He shook his head and stepped towards me, placing his hands on either side of my face, "It's been awhile since I've felt like this, I think I was just trying to tell myself that it was all in my head, and that you couldn't possibly feel that way about me." His voice came out as a whisper, he almost sounded broken.

I sighed, "Well you're wrong Prime. For once. You are so many things, too many things to even begin listing them, but first and foremost, you are the one thing in this world that means more to me than life itself."

He locked eyes with me and we stood like that for a while. My hands were rested on his arms, not in a way to pry them off though, while his hands cupped my face. He examined my face before sighing. I looked away and went to turn when all of a sudden I was being pulled and there was something soft but firm against my lips.

I immediately processed it all and realized that Optimus had just kissed me. I smiled slightly before kissing him back with so much love and force that he stumbled back slightly. His hands dropped to my waist and mine found their way to his face where I felt slight tears brush against my fingers.

When we pulled away, I brushed the tears from his face and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry..." He murmured. I shook my head and rested my forehead against his, "Don't be...we all overthink things." He smiled and closed his eyes, taking in deep breaths. I smiled and pressed another short kiss to his lips. "I love you, don't forget that." I whispered as his eyes locked with mine. "I love you too..."

We embraced and held onto each other as if the other might fade away if we let go. I quickly got tired of standing and pulled away from Optimus only to pull him onto my bed with me and snuggle up to him. He hummed and pressed a kiss to the top of my head, "I don't deserve you." He murmured. "You deserve to be happy." I replied.

Song: Runaway - Sasha Sloan

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