Scenarios: Purring (Decepticons)

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How it happened: You were sitting up against his neck cables while he worked on a side project, the both of you making small talk. He was a little stressed and you knew your soothing touches normally helped him stay out of his helm. You started to gently brush along the cables around you until you felt the tension fade out slightly and the medic produced a buzzing, humming sound as he gripped the table woozily. He was purring.

Their reaction: Knockout didn't really care, not considering he was liking it. "You always help me stay grounded. Don't stop."

How it happened: Soundwave was keeping you entertained so that you wouldn't get in the way of his typing, using his retractable tentacle pinchers to give you something to busy yourself with. When you had felt a swell of love and happiness for the mech you'd latched onto the mesh of one and hugged it tight while rubbing it softly. Soundwave glanced at you in surprise but a heart appeared on the visor as a cat-like purr resounded from him.

Their reaction: He was taken a little by surprise at the sudden sound, but a smile appeared on his visor as he pulled up a small dialogue window on your phone with a brief explanation. He didn't dare remove the tentacle but turned back to his work.

How it happened: The beast was curled up in the sun on the flight deck when you had went out to be with him for a bit. You took up leisurely "petting" along the plates around his neck and helm while he curled around you and listened to you speak. Eventually he crooned, nuzzling you faintly as you smiled and realized it was a metallic purr.

Their reaction: When he transformed to explain, due to your questioning, he'd gotten all flustered and admitted that it was an instinct he couldn't control. "It is further proof that I love you."

How it happened: You were perched between two of the spikey crest things on his shoulderplate, simply tracing over plates and seams while he was standing and looking out the window. You jumped as a deep, rumbling sound came from him followed with a growl as he tried to choke the sound back.

Their reaction: "Are you purring?" You'd ask with a restrained giggle and he'd glare at you.

"I do no such thing." He'd snap, relaxing once your roaming hands had stopped. When he glanced around and saw no one around he'd glance back at you. "But don't stop, I liked it." He'd mumble before later you'd get him to admit that he was indeed, purring.

How it happened: Considering how expressive the mech was, you'd find yourself sitting atop his helm a lot to prevent you falling off his slim shoulders. At one point he was overly stressed, which was pretty normal to be honest, and you'd started tracing your fingertips over the red crest on his forehead. Starscream had stuttered over his words, a sigh leaving him before he shivered and a slightly sputtered humming came from him. A purr.

Their reaction: Upon thinking you'd been weirded out by his slip up, considering your movements had faltered, he started stuttering out excuses until you chuckled and shushed him. "It was just something I didn't know you guys were capable of. I like it, it's cute." You assured, hunting for more spots to get that sweet sound from him to help him calm down.

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