Lost... (UM)(TFP)(P.1)

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Ok guys this has been in the works for months and you'll see why at the end. Gosh I'm so fucking excited guys! This is the first post of me comin home! Eee!!!

Ultra Magnus x Femme!Reader

"Yeah, I'm gonna love you, all the way to the moon and back"

I vented as I treaded the empty halls of secondary school, scrolling through my datapad for the room number of my writing communications class. It was the first cycle and I was already lost. "Ok.. ok room number 612.." I mumbled aloud, holding books and datapads alike in my arms.

The door finally appeared and I tried my ID card, only for the light to turn orange. Right, the doors are locked once class is in session. A couple minutes later the light turned green and the door slid open, a lime green with sky blue highlights fem stood with her servos on her hip-plates. "Designation?" She demanded and I vented.

"(Y/D)..." I mumbled, letting her scan my ID chip attached to my arm plating and compare it to my badge.

The femme vented and allowed me in, returning my badge to me before taking my datapad to hook up to the mainframe and download this year's assignments into it. "Alright (Y/D), you can go ahead and take that seat between those two mechs in the back." The educator smiled, giving me my datapad back now that it was loaded up and I nodded with a small smile, slipping through the aisle to my seat.

I didn't have time to stop by my locker so I was stuck with all this stuff. I vented and set everything aside, glancing over to see a teal-ish turquoise mech with red accents on my left and a red and purple mech on my right.

Thankfully the lecture was simple today, simply learning about classroom rules and what this class was about. We had a form to fill out for homework but that was all. After that, Ms. Arcadee -as she introduced herself as- allowed us to mingle and get adjusted.

I didn't have any friends here in this education institute and was definitely no good at making friends. So, I simply sat there awkwardly while the mech on my right got up and talked to a group of mechs and the one of my left started reading a datapad.

I tapped my digits together before venting and turning. "Hey, whatcha readin?" I tilted my helm, watching the mech's optics snap to me and narrow. I blinked but tried not to look nervous or shy under his highly judgmental gaze, hearing him grunt as he turned his attention back to his reading. "Ok you may not like me, but it's rude to ignore someone." I huffed.

"I have no interest in associating with somebot who does not take their education and future seriously." He replied curtly, scrolling his book up.

I arched an optic ridge, leaning against the desk as I huffed. "Just because I was late doesn't mean I don't care. I have a life plan thank you very much." I snapped, growling slightly. The mech hummed a moment before huffing and setting the device down to look at me. "I was late ok? My alarm didn't go off and I'm currently home alone." I explained and he tapped a couple digits on his desk.

"And yet you sit there doing nothing when you could be doing the assignment or preparing for your next class. Schooling is not a place for friend-making. It's a place to help shape your future." He stated before turning back to his datapad.

"Look, all I asked was what you were reading. Gosh, I didn't know asking a simple question would lead to a conversation about morals and the purpose of education institutes." I grumbled, crossing my arms as I faced forward again. I heard him grunt but that was the end of the conversation. I was more than ok with that, bots like that always irked me.

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