Teach Me (OP)(School AU)(NSFW)

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Human!Teacher!Optimus x Human!Reader

A/n: I know I've got a lot of these but hey it's whatever. You don't have to read them. I am working on other stories (and requests) [that aren't lemons] but I heard this song and one of my friends helped me come up with this idea and then the song came on and I got a burst of inspiration. Sue me.

"Push up to my body, sink your teeth into my flesh"

I sighed heavily, college was so boring. Although, there was one good thing about my specific college. I was in a secret relationship with one of my teachers. He taught history and was very attractive. I normally didn't like history but the teacher made all the difference, and my professor was hot.

He had raven colored hair with navy blue streaks. He was slightly tan, sharp and defined features. A muscular physique that was apparent through his formal wear. When at his desk, he wore thin rimmed black glasses that reflected his deep blue eyes. He had a slight amount of scruff on his face that only made him look that much more hot. He normally wore a red dress shirt tucked into black slacks and black dress shoes. The sleeves were normally rolled up to his elbow and he had a thick black metal watch on his right arm. He was also just so sweet and kind, his voice adding to it as it sounded like silky, husky, deep, honey.

But, even though he was beyond hot, it couldn't help that sometimes I really just wanted to bash my head into my desk.

We were talking about the Byzantine Empire and I could not be more bored. Our professor, Mr. Prime was standing at the front of the class as he went through his lecture. I accidentally let out a small groan but considering I was in the front row, my professor heard it. He didn't say anything but his gaze flicked to me and his eyes narrowed and I could see his pupils dilate slightly. I suddenly sat up straight and cleared my throat, trying to pay attention to the lecture.

But I just couldn't.

Eventually, I resorted to doodling on my notes. Everything faded away and all I saw was my doodle. It was better than passing out.

Countless minutes passed until there were suddenly two very large hands on my desk. My eyes snapped to the hands before traveling up the muscular arms to the handsome face of my professor and secret boyfriend. I glanced around and noticed no one else was here, the class must have ended.

I swallowed as I returned my gaze to my professor who was intently looking at me. "Does my class bore you (f/n)?" He murmured. I shuddered a little, his voice was so deep and sort of rough that sparked memories in my head.

I snapped out of my thoughts and sheepishly smiled. "I-I mean...a little." I squeaked. Optimus stood and crossed his arms across his broad chest.

"Can I talk to you in my office, now." He growled and I nodded, slowly getting up and following him to the small room that was his private office. He moved to stand behind his desk, removing the glasses from his face that I hadn't entirely noticed he had on. "You seem to space out more as of late, that would explain your drop in grades." He hummed, tapping away on his keyboard a moment before looking at me.

"You see, sir. Uh-" I started, nerves rising as I watched him shudder slightly at the term of respect. "I just, this stuff is kinda boring."

He hummed and leaned forward, bracing his hands against the surface of his desk. "I do try and make things more interesting." He sighed and I bit my lip.

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