Take A Break (UM)(TFP)(NSFW)

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Ultra Magnus x Human!Reader

"You seem so far away though you are standing near"

It was about 9 in the morning when I woke up, only to see Magnus wasn't in bed with me. I frowned and headed downstairs and peeked outside to see his alt. mode sitting in the drive so I know he didn't go to base. After that, I knew where he was.

I jogged down the small hallway and pushed the door open to see his holoform sitting at his desk, hands on his face. I couldn't see his face but the way his back muscles were tense told me all I needed to know. He was always working himself to the bone, stress and pressure building. I felt guilty that I couldn't help him, but I offered my support when I could. I frowned and walked further in, no doubt he already knew I was here.

I stepped up behind his chair and slid a hand into his messy blue hair while the other went to his shoulder. "You're up early." I murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

He shifted and placed a hand over the one on his shoulder. "I had work to attend to." He replied. I sighed and slid my arms around his neck and leaned down so my head was next to his.

I kissed his temple and he sighed. "You ought to take a break. You're working yourself ragged Magnus." I whispered. I felt him nod a little and I shifted to sit in his lap where blue eyes could meet my own eyes. "I don't like seeing you so stressed."

He closed his eyes and leaned back, pulling me with him as he wrapped his arms around me. "I know...I miss spending time with you but Fowler needed a bunch of different things."

I hummed and nestled my head into his neck, breathing in the scent of leather and oil. Without thinking, I pressed a kiss to his neck and I felt him tense up.

"You need to relax." I murmured against his neck. He didn't respond, only drew small circles in my back with his fingertips.

I leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. I felt his embrace tighten around me as he shifted me into his lap more. His hands stilled at my sides as we sat there.

I pulled away and went to kissing along his neck. He breathed out in content and I smiled. I pressed a kiss long his collarbone and his grip tightened, I smirked. "Are you nervous?" I peered up at him.

He sent a look my way and I stifled a giggle. "This is your own fault for going this long without any of this." I smirked and kissed his nose. He suddenly pressed his mouth against mine and leaned forward, my back hitting the edge of his desk.

His tongue swept along my bottom lip and I parted my lips as he slid the wet muscle into my mouth. My hands slipped down to his chest and I pushed him back slightly.

"Don't you have work to do?" I teased. He growled and kissed me again.

"It can wait." He grumbled against my mouth and I smiled. I slowly undid the first few buttons on his shirt and slid my hands along his bare chest.

He grumbled lowly and slid a hand under my shirt as I entangled my hands into his hair, tugging lightly on a few strands. The kiss turned more passionate and I finished unbuttoning his shirt as he slid it off.

He reached up to my chest and fiddled for the zipper on my night shirt. He struggled a little, the zipper slipping out of his fingers, I chuckled when he finally grabbed it and slid it down, growling as he did. I breathed out as he kissed along my neck and atop my breasts.

His hands went to my waist where he slowly removed my pants and underwear. I leaned back against the desk a little as his eyes gazed over every inch of bare skin.

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