[Request] Childish (HW) (RB)

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Heatwave x Sparkling!Reader

This was requested by KaylaTheAutoBot I am working on another request but it's a scenarios one and those take a bit to do : )

"Don't you worry, don't you worry child. You see heaven's got a plan for you"

3rd Person P.O.V
It was a normal day in Griffin Rock -well, normal considering its circumstances- and the bots were all gathered in the bunker. Heatwave was doing Heatwavey things, Chase was reading over rule books, Blades was...being Blades and Boulder had went out with Graham to attend to the parks. The Burns family were also all over the place. Cody was at school, Dani was lounging with her dad and Kade was on a date with Haley.

There hadn't been many emergencies today, much to the relief of everyone. They were all getting tired and in desperate need of a break.

Alarms suddenly echoed throughout the firehouse, alerting the bots and humans within. Dani and Chief quickly made their way into the bunker, running over to the bots who were rushing into their communications hub. "What's going on?" Chief questioned. Heatwave was quickly at the monitors, typing away.

"It's an unknown Cybertronian pod signal. It landed on Wayward Island, Optimus sent us the coordinates." He vented. Chief's eyes widened and shook his head. "We have to investigate, could be a decepticon. Chief, stay here. It's for your safety." Heatwave glanced down at the human who frowned.

Heatwave called Boulder in so it was all hands -er, servos- on deck. Optimus would arrive as soon as he could but the team couldn't wait. They made their way to the harbor and Heatwave transformed into his boat form, allowing the others to grab on as he drove off towards the desolate island. The pod signal popped up on all their scanners as they got closer, it was on the beach.

"There it is." Heatwave murmured. Everyone let go as the red mech transformed and they got closer towards the pod. "Stay alert, look out for an insignia." He ordered. Everyone was on edge as they encircled the pod.

"No sign of an insignia." Chase murmured and the others vented. Suddenly, the outerworkings of the pod clicked and shifted, revealing an opening.

"I'm reading a life signal, it's faint." Blades spoke up. Heatwave walked closer when there was the sudden sound of cries. "A sparkling?"

A small femme was curled up, barley bigger than a human. Tears were rolling down her faceplate and each of the bots' spark went out to her. Heatwave vented a little and carefully reached out to grab the sparkling in his servos. Her big, bright blue optics darted around before landing on the firetruck's frame.

"Anyone know how to calm a sparkling?" Heatwave grunted, growing frustrated with the sparkling who was still wailing and crying in his arms. He tried to soothe her by gently rubbing a thumb digit over her faceplates but it did little to quell her.

"Try rocking her or something. Isn't that what Cody did with robo-baby?" Blades suggested and Heatwave glanced at him.

"I am not-" He was cut off by a louder cry and he growled. "Someone take her!" He shouted. Boulder was quick to take the femme from their leader's arms and started speaking soothingly and quietly, rocking her gently. "Let's get back to the firehouse, Optimus should be there soon."


"A sparkling?" Optimus raised an optic ridge and Heatwave nodded begrudgingly.

"Blades is currently looking over her to make sure she's okay." Heatwave explained. The tall mech hummed and nodded before the sound of happy squealing reached their audials. Both mechs glanced down as the tiny femme came running over to them, latching her servos onto the metal of Heatwave's stabilizer.

"It appears as though she likes you." Optimus mused and Heatwave vented. He knelt down to the sparkling's level, tickling her slightly. "My team is not suited to take care of a sparkling, I am relying on you and your team to take care of her."

"Optimus, all due respect-"

"Heatwave, that is an order. Rely on your team. I have faith in you." Optimus nodded, clasping a servo on Heatwave's shoulder plate.

From that point on, everyone looked after the sparkling. Blades gave her a name, (y/d). She was always causing trouble but she loved her mechs. Boulder loved showing her the flora of Earth and tried to help her logic circuits develop and grow. Blades helped provide entertainment and looked after her in the medical department. Chase read her police codes aloud, and for once he didn't hear protests.

And then there was Heatwave. He wasn't the best with younger beings but he learned a little from robo-baby. He spent the most time with her, trying to toughen her up and give her someone to play with. He would never admit it, but he grew attached to the femme. He treasured her like he treasured Cody, he silently vowed to protect them both with the last ounce of his spark.


Night was settling in and Heatwave was the last one with (y/d) so he was the one to put her to bed. Everyone else had already settled for recharge, giving Heatwave some alone time with the sparkling. She was currently rolling around on the floor with a fluffy blanket, laughing and giggling. Heatwave allowed a small smile onto his dermas as he approached the femme, kneeling to pick her up. Her laughs died down and she looked up him with bright, wide optics.

"Hey, time to recharge." He murmured gently. The mech walked into his sleeping chambers where there was a small cot set up. He carefully set the femme into the cot, wrapping her in the blankets before handing her a small stuffed toy.

He watched as she slowly slipped into recharge before settling into his berth to recharge himself.

Late into the night, there was the sound of loud crying that woke the firebot from recharge. He groaned as he onlined his optics, glancing around before meeting the writhing and crying form of the sparkling.

Heatwave was quickly on his pedes as he rushed over and knelt down. (Y/d)'s optics were still closed and he realized she was having a nightmare. He nudged her slightly, hoping to wake her up. The fem's optics shot open and she glanced around frantically. "You're okay. It was a nightmare." He spoke gently, rubbing a thumb digit along her cheekplate and forehelm.

She slowly calmed down and Heatwave relaxed, she was alright. He slowly slid back onto his berth and cradled the sparkling to his chassis, cooing softly and trying to urge her back into recharge. She blinked up at him a couple times before her optics started to droop closed. He smiled and leaned back, closing his optics as recharge set in.

I know it's short and not the most detailed but I tried my best. I wasn't sure how to go about this heh..

Song: Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia

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