If There Was Winter Secrets (Bayverse)

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This is technically a 3-part winter/Christmas special. Part one was TFP Bots, Part two was TFP Cons and this is Part three.

This features some Sideswipe x Reader

Note: I have reference pictures of all the horses mentioned as I'm aware you all might not know what I'm talking about :)

"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow"

I woke up to the frigid cold air washing over my body. I shivered and cracked open my eyes, glancing around to try and find my blanket. I didn't remember it being said that it was supposed to be cold last night... I was only in a pair of female basketball shorts with a t-shirt. It was mornings like these I was glad I had the afternoon shifts and no training this morning. I finally located my plush blanket and tossed it around me, slowly feeling my body warm up.

I crawled out of bed and made it over to the single window in my room, pushing back the curtain. My eyes widened as I watched the small white particles float through the air. I squealed and bolted out of my room to my door, throwing it open and running to the cafeteria where I knew my team would be.

I made it into the cafeteria where I saw a couple members, "Guys it's snowing!" I cheered. David turned towards me, chuckling a little as he looked me over. I blinked and looked down at myself, realizing I wasn't even in my army greens. "Right.." I murmured, slightly embarrassed.

"Hey! While you're here, Lennox was requesting your presence. Him and the boss wanna talk to you." Fig called out to me and I blinked. "And it's best not to keep them waiting." He added and I groaned. This could've just been a joke but I wasn't about to risk it.

So what did I do? Hauled ass in my out of regs clothing to the autobot hangar. The closer I got the colder it got and I was really regretting not stopping to quickly change. But I did still have my blanket...

I immediately spotted my CO and Optimus talking, the human on the bridge thingy that allowed him to be closer to the tall bot's height. I was almost immediately spotted in return (I mean I'm hard to miss, I'm wearing a plush blanket..) and Lennox paused in his sentence and smiled while Optimus seemed slightly perplexed.

I quickly traveled up the stairs, hiding my discomfort at the frigid metal. "How nice of you to join us." Lennox chuckled and I huffed.

"Look, I woke up. It was cold. I got excited cus it's snowing. I didn't change. Now I'm here. So deal with me being in a blanket." I pouted, the older male shaking his head and ruffling my hair.

I swatted at him, my commanding officer chuckling before sighing. "Look, it's Christmas and it's been a while since you've had a break. Considering you're one of our younger soldiers, it was decided you deserved to have the next couple weeks off to spend time with family." Lennox explained and my eyes lit up. "But, there's a catch. Considering you're NEST personnel, Optimus and I believe it wise to send you home with an escort."

I blinked and arched a brow, glancing between the two beings. "Like a bodyguard?" I asked. I didn't need a nanny...

"A guardian. Much like how Bumblebee watches over Samuel. I would feel better if you went home with one of the autobots." Optimus cut in and I shifted to look at him.

"All do respect Optimus, but I can take care of myself. Besides, it would be hard to explain why I'm suddenly showing up in an unfamiliar vehicle. I haven't exactly been able to tell my parents about my job." I replied and the mech vented.

I knew he meant well, but honestly. My parents would be asking a million and one questions that I would have no answer to. "We all have adaptable human forms, I am confident you will come up with an explanation. Even if it means breaking the truth to your creators." The mech stated and I nodded slowly, sighing. "I have assigned Sideswipe to be your guardian, I suggest meeting with him. He is already aware of his assignment, it was brought to my attention you both are close." Optimus smiled slightly and I arched a brow at the gleam in his optics.

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