Forever Young (OP)(TFP)

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Orion/Optimus Prime x Cybertronian!Reader

"And in my heart you'll forever stay"

I hummed at I relaxed in a window seat, the bustling city of Iacon outside and down along the road. I loved the second floor of The Hall, it was a library. The first floor was full of offices and the historical section, second floor was the other datapads that were fantasy or fictional. And then there were bottom layers as well but those were for personnel and certain archivists. 

I always came here just about everyday after my work at the sparkling center, grabbing a nice datapad to just relax to.

I heard approaching pedesteps and glanced up from my datapad to see a mech standing in one of the aisles by me. He was relatively slim, definitely didn't seem to actively workout. But, he was appealing. He seemingly had a main red base with a secondary blue color and then silver of course.

The way he fidgeted told me all I needed to know; that he was awkward, shy and unsure. I was too, but considering he was looking for a datapad I figured I could help. Hopefully...

"E-excuse me... do you need some help?" I called out to the mech softly, sitting up and turning to properly sit on the bench. The mech jumped slightly, startled. He was quick to back away from the shelf, glancing around before his bright blue optics landed on my form.

"Oh- I uh..." He trailed off, glancing off a moment as he looked around. I chuckled softly and set my datapad down on the nearby table, standing as I approached him. I only came up to about lower chassis on him. 

The mech shuffled away uneasily, giving me all the hints I needed that I was beginning to invade his personal space. "It's ok mech, I only ask because I come here like every cycle after work. I know this level like the back of my servo." I mused, smiling softly at him. He nodded and rubbed the back of his neck cables shyly.

"I have never been in this level, I am afraid I am unsure what I am searching for." The mech finally replied and I tilted my helm in confusion. "I work as an archivist on the ground level and underground, working alongside Alpha Trion. I more typically can be found browsing through the historical datapads." He elaborated and I nodded, chuckling softly.

"Well then... let me show you some of my favorite datapads."


I vented and stared up at the ceiling in my room, frowning. I had started to regret joining back up with my leader, too many memories and emotions between us in the past were beginning to suffocate and overwhelm my processor. I knew what we had was history but it didn't mean the feelings ever went away. 

I knew I needed to get up, but I really didn't want to. Every night I recharged more memories only seemed to fill my unconscious processor. It was getting impossible to even just be in the same room as him. 

There was suddenly a soft knock on my door and I vented out again. I slowly got up, standing as I made my way over to it and opened it. There stood the one mech I was really hating seeing to be honest. "Oh.. hey Optimus." I hesitantly met the mech's optics, having long been accustomed with his slight height growth. My optics were even with his lower chassis. I noted he had two cubes of energon, one in his now outstretched servo and the other was the one he was sipping on. I arched an optic ridge at him slightly before hesitantly taking the cube from him. "Thanks..."

"If you do not mind, I was hoping we could take turn on patrol. I feel as though it has been a while since we have properly spent time together." Optimus tilted his helm slightly and I vented, nodding. How could I refuse him? "Alright then, we leave here in a groon (~an hour)." He smiled slightly before backing away and heading off.

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