✏️ A Small Problem (OP) (TFP)

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Optimus x Human!Reader

"I wanna be in your arms"

"Optimus!" I heard a shout, waking me up from my nap. "What the hell?" I groaned and sat up. "(f/n)! Help us...I accidentally spilled a shrinking serum on Optimus and well, now he's shrunk." Ratchet stared at me. I huffed and ran down the stairs to see a small Optimus standing at about half a foot tall. "Found him." I called and knelt down in front of the small leader.

Optimus looked up at me and vented. "I apologize (f/n), it seems as though you will have to watch over me." I giggled and held out my hands to him. Optimus tilted his helm in confusion before it clicked. He crawled up into my palms and sat down, his feet dangling over the edge of my hands. I held him up to eye level, "You're so cute!" I exclaimed and then immediately blushed.

"I- I mean cus you're small...*ahem*" I looked off to the side. "You will have to watch over him while I figure out what to do." Ratchet commanded. "Yeah that's what Optimus was just saying." I chuckled and looked back at the autobot leader to see him with his helm in his servos, a very human like show of annoyance or irritation. I smiled and nuzzled him with my cheek. "Cheer up OP." I smiled before trotting up the stairs and sat on the couch.

Optimus reached out towards my shoulder so I brought him closer and moved my head so he could climb up onto my shoulder. He sat there and leaned his helm against my head. "I get why you like doing this so much." He commented. I chuckled, "Yeah, however it is just slightly a little odd." I felt him nod.

I leaned against the arm of the couch with my free arm and watched Ratchet hurriedly run around his little med-lab. "Why did you even have a shrinking serum?" I called out to the orange and white mech. Ratchet huffed and shot me a glance. I raised a brow and heard Optimus vent yet again. "We were hoping it could allow us into smaller areas rather than relying upon human help." He mentioned, shaking his head.

"Then why not make a device? I mean a serum has semi-permanent attributes. If you made some sort of portable device then you could unshrink whenever you wanted along with shrinking." I thought aloud. Ratchet grumbled something under his breath and I shrugged a little which threw Optimus a little and I shot him a concerned glance, trying to remember I had a passenger on my shoulder now.

"Don't worry, we'll get you back to normal." I smiled and pat the top of his helm, being careful of his finnials (or antennae I don't really know if there's a difference or what they are) and the metal crest on his forehead. He jumped a little at the contact, barely noticeable though. He patted my hand and I rolled my eyes in amusement.

"I hope you realize your inner child is showing." I whispered to him. He raised an optic ridge at me and I smiled. "Optimus, you cannot disagree with me. There are moments when your optics shine with curiosity, we can all tell you've got an inner child in your spark." he vented and rubbed where the bridge of his nose would be.

"I apologize, I've never been adept at ridding myself of previous personality before I was made a Prime." I shook my head and tilted my head towards him like a hug. "Nothing to be sorry for Optimus, I enjoy those moments. It reminds me that you guys are quite similar to us in the fact that even you guys have moments like those. Besides, it's cute."

I froze as the words left my mouth and Optimus went still. I sighed and leaned my head on my arm, blaming my lack of forethought on being tried. So, I closed my eyes and willed sleep to take over me.


"(f/n)...(f/n)!" I jolted awake and heard a small groan. I jumped and looked to see Optimus laying on the couch, rubbing his helm. "Oh my god! Optimus I'm so sorry!" I quickly scooped him up and held him up to my face, kissing his forehelm. "I'm fine." He murmured with light blue on his cheeks.

"Aw are you embarrassed?" I teased and the blue darkened. I gave him a sort of hug and he wrapped his arms around my neck, best he could. "Ohhh you're amazing you know that?" I smiled at him. He thought for a moment, "I've not been told that before, thank you." He looked up at me. "Aw well you deserve to hear it more. There's not an autobot that I love more than y-" I cut myself off before I could finish the last words of my sentence.

"I mean uh..." I felt my face heat into a blush and I placed Optimus down on the couch. I ran down the stairs, sitting against the wall once I reached the floor. I didn't want to be too far away but it was hard to face him. I've always kinda been attracted to him but he's a prime and an alien. I don't know what it is though, now that's he's shrunken I'm just revealing myself. Or maybe it's the fatigue.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of metal against metal. I heard Optimus murmur something under his breath uneasily. I snapped my head up and over towards the stairs to see him steadying himself on one of the steps as he was carefully trying to walk down them. "Oh my- Optimus, you're gonna hurt yourself." I groaned and held a hand towards him. He jumped and grabbed a couple of my fingers and I brought my hand towards the ground allowing him to let go and walk on the floor.

I leaned my head back against the wall, thinking he simply wanted down. Instead, I felt Optimus get on my leg and stagger up to my waist. I looked down at him and raised an eyebrow, "You're just like a puppy." I chuckled. He vented and sat down on my thigh. "I do not appreciate you simply getting up and walking away, you didn't even allow me to say anything so I was forced to try and make my way down here to you." He looked at me pointedly.

I raised my hands in defeat, "I'm sorry. I just, I don't know." I trailed off and brought my leg up. I picked up Prime and set him on my knee so he could be eye level with me. "What you were saying earlier...I feel the same way about you." He stated nervously. "Really?!" I exclaimed and he nodded, playing with his digits.

I smiled and caressed his little metal crest. He motioned with his servo for me to lean in closer to him so I did. When I got close enough he gripped my chin and brought himself close enough to peck my lips. "When I get unshrunk, I'll give you a proper kiss but being this size, even my holoform is small." He gave a half-smile.

I laughed and rubbed the top of his helm with a couple fingers. "It's alright Optimus." "I got it!" Ratchet suddenly exclaimed. I picked Optimus up and set him on my shoulder before running over to the medic. "Set him down" Ratchet told me so I did and took a few steps back.

Ratchet dripped a new substance on Optimus who started growing back to his normal 30' foot self. "You did it!" I exclaimed and walked over to Optimus' pede. I waved my hand in front if him. "Optimus?" "Yes?" I heard a voice behind me and I jumped. I turned and backed up, running into Optimus' leg. His holoform stood in front of me. "Jesus dude! You scared the shit outta me!" I scolded. He laughed and grabbed my hands.

"I promised you a kiss." He smiled. I rolled my eyes as he pressed his lips to mine. When we parted his holoform disappeared and I was suddenly being scooped up. I was set on his shoulder and he smiled at me. "Now this feels right." I chuckled and got a nod from the Prime.

Optimus and I were sitting on the couch, cuddling and kind of making out. Suddenly his holoform just disappeared. I jolted and looked around. "Optimus?" I called out and heard an upset sigh and then metal against metal.

I stood and looked around when I felt a tug on my pants leg. I looked down to see shrunked Optimus. "Ratchet shrunk me again. This time it was intentional." He stated. I held in a chuckle and picked him up. "I got tired of hearing the sounds coming from the both of you so I'm teaching you a lesson." Ratchet mentioned as he walked to stand in front of us.

"Asshole." I muttered and got a chuckle from Prime. "Have fun trying to make out now." Ratchet smirked and walked off. There was certainly no intimacy in front of him, not that either of us would complain.

Song: Quit - Ariana Grande

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