Relax (UM)(TFP)

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Ultra Magnus x Human!Reader

"I'll...make sure everything's alright"

I groaned as I sat back against the couch. I hated college and all the homework that it entailed. I haven't been sleeping well, or at all, and I can't remember when the last time I wasn't thinking about my courses was. I knew Ultra Magnus was worried about me, as both my guardian and boyfriend.

"(f/n)..." My eyes snapped over to see said mech standing at the railing. "It's about time we head home." I sighed and nodded. I gathered up my stuff, shoving it into my bag and ran down the stairs to the awaiting turquoise like colored truck. I climbed in and threw my bag down as Magnus drove off.

"Why are you so tense?" He asked.

"School's just got me stressed." I murmured as I felt the seat start to vibrate. "Uhh...Mags?"

"Shh...just relax. You need to." He murmured. I nodded and leaned back into the seat.

We pulled up to our little isolated home and Magnus activated his holoform. He grabbed my bag and climbed out as I stumbled out from the tingly feeling running through me. "Thanks babe." I murmured to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

He shot a small smile my way, "I'm not done. You're taking tonight off. We'll take a nice, warm bubble bath and then I'll give you a massage." He explained while tossing my bag near the front door.

I smiled and hugged him. "That sounds amazing." I stated into his shirt. He chuckled and picked me up bridal style before carrying me up the stairs and into our room and eventually our bathroom.

He set me down and turned the water on as I started stripping my clothes off. I felt arms snake around my waist and a bare chest press into my back. I tilted my head slightly to see Magnus smiling at me. He pressed soft kisses along my neck while letting his hands wander.

My breath hitched and I shuddered under his touch as his hands crept to my waistline. "You act as if you've never been touched before." He teased.

I growled slightly, "It's just been awhile, you and I have been busy." I replied before letting in a sharp inhale as he bit softly into my neck.

"M-Mags..." I breathed. He kissed back up my neck to behind my ear.

I let all my weight fall back against the mech's holoform as he pressed sweet kisses along my upper body.

Eventually, he pulled away from me to turn and fill up the bathtub with water, pouring some of the bubble solution in with the water. I finished undressing as Magnus ran out, still in his pants. I raised a brow and stood confused until he re-entered with a wine bottle and glass. "I know many human femmes drink this fermented grape juice to help relax." He explained and I chuckled.

"Yeah, wine is every girl's must." I commented and he smiled, pouring me a glass and setting it aside as he pulled off his pants and boxers. He turned the water off and climbed in, getting situated before holding a hand out to me. I smiled and grabbed the wine glass, passing it to his free hand while sliding my other into his outstretched one.

I carefully got in, wary of his legs and body. He guided me so that I was seating between his legs as he sat back, pulling me back against his chest. I grabbed the wine glass from his hand and snuggled back against his broad and muscled chest, inhaling deeply.

I took a sip of wine as Ultra Magnus brushed a couple fingers over my shoulder blade and up behind my ear. "You worry me when you get like this." He murmured, voice echoing within the smaller space. I hummed with a frown, taking another sip of wine.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just- I get so busy. I'm sure you understand." I sighed, tilting my head so I could look at him. A sympathetic smile stretched over his lips and he nodded. "I don't really have an outlet nor the energy to do anything." I groaned.

Magnus sighed and absentmindedly drew circles on the skin of my abdomen. "Well, we will have to figure something out. Maybe you could establish some sort of training schedule. We could use it as "bonding time" as well, as I believe it is called." Magnus suggested and I smiled.

"Yeah. That could work."

We sat in the tub for a little while, making small talk until I finished my glass of wine. We then took a quick shower to clean up before getting out.

Before I had the chance to put on a change of clothes, I was being scooped up and carried out to our bed. Magnus threw me on the bed and I laughed, causing a smile to break out onto his face. "Let me grab a few things." He murmured and returned to the bathroom.

I heard him rummaging through the cabinet before he came out with a few different things in his arms. He had also put on a pair of joggers but remained shirtless. "I have done much research on this subject so I hope I am able to do this properly." He mused and I rolled my eyes. He motioned for me to roll on to my stomach and I obliged, feeling the bed dip and shift as Magnus climbed up into it and straddled my legs.

"This may be a bit cold." He warned before a cool substance hit my back. His hands moved to lather the substance over my shoulders and back before a light, but pleasant, burning sensation radiated through the area in which it had been applied.

"Did you put lidocaine on me?" I chuckled and heard a slightly disconcerted huff as Magnus continued to massage along my back.

"Yes." He finally replied and I chuckled with a smile.

I almost fell asleep a couple times before Magnus finished and I felt like wet clay. He moved and I rolled onto my back, looking over the male. "Thank you, I only wish there was something I could do for you." I frowned and he shook his head with a smile, moving to put everything up before washing his hands.

"I have been able to find ways to relax. Besides, just having you with me is enough." I heard him amend and I smiled, slowly getting to my feet so I could grab pajamas.

"Thanks. I love you so much Ultra Magnus." I smiled as he came out and slid into bed, me right behind him. I cuddled into his body as his arms went around me.

"I love you too sweetspark, I'm always here for you." He murmured, pressing a long and firm kiss to my forehead.

"Same to you babe." I smiled and leaned up to kiss his lips. When we broke apart, he had a wide smile on his perfect face while his eyes shone brightly. I could feel sleep overcoming me so I nestled closer to my cybertronian lover and allowed sleep to claim me.

Song: This Love - Maroon 5

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