Unexpected Occurance (MT)(TFP)(NSFW)

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Megatron x Femme!Reader

"After one touch, become obsessed with the rush"

It was late at night, or early in the morning- whichever made more sense for the time- and I was working away at the monitors. I was Soundwave's right-hand-femme, working alongside him and taking over when he went to recharge. When he woke up, I'd go grab my energon and then recharge for a bit before going about my day, whatever it may bring.

I was doing some tweaking with the wiring, the monitor was glitching out. I had a few tools strewn about the console and working diligently. There was the sudden slight rumble of pedsteps, causing the ship to rumble in the slightest. I checked my internal clock and noticed that it was about the time that Lord Megatron would be waking and making his rounds.

As his steps drew closer, one of my tools decided to take a nose-dive onto the floor. I groaned and bent down to pick it up as the doors opened with a whoosh, scaring me. I immediately stood at attention, the tool forgotten, and whirled around to see Megatron glancing me over.

"L-Lord Megatron!" I yelped.

The large silver mech simply tilted his helm at me and drew closer. "Did you, drop something?" He asked lowly.

I nodded and rubbed my neck cables, nerves kicking in. Despite being friends for millennia, Megatron still knew how to make someone feel very intimidated. Of course, he treated me with more respect and the like but that did not mean he didn't instill fear in me at some times.

It also didn't help that I found him to be quite attractive.

There was a sudden snap in my face, throwing me from my thoughts. I jerked and glanced up towards the bright crimson optics in front of my face. "Sorry.." I murmured.

Megatron chuckled and stood back up to his normal height. "Well do not let me stop you from doing whatever it was you were." He smirked. It almost made me think he was teasing me.

I hesitantly nodded before turning to my project and realized I did indeed need the fallen tool.

Now being more self-conscious of the mech still standing behind me, I awkwardly bent down to grab the tool. When I stood back up, there was a servo making its way along my hip-plate. I cleared my throat lines and tilted my helm to see Megatron still standing behind me, although closer now and grinning at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked hesitantly. I immediately regretted asking that question. Megatron's face twisted into a smirk and I swallowed thickly, why me?

"I think you might be able to, my dear (f/n)." He smirked, placing a few digits under my chin and tilting my helm closer to his. His other hand found its way onto the console and he pressed some button on it and there was the clear clicking sound of the doors locking and cameras turning off.

I couldn't tear my optics from his as he leaned in and pressed his dermas against mine. He hesitated for a moment, letting me decide if I wanted to push him away or draw him closer. I decided the hell with it and kissed him back with some force, determined to let him know how I felt.

His glossa slid over my bottom derma and I parted my intake to him. His servos slid down to my stabilizers and he lifted me up and sat me atop the console, running his servos along the sensitive wiring on my stabilizers.

I gasped as his digit brushed my interface panel, making the mech in front of me smirk as he pressed kisses along my neck cables. He continued to stroke my interface panel, making me more hot and bothered. I finally let out a moan as he bit down on one of my more sensitive cables and my interface panel slid back, leaving my wet valve open to him.

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