[Request] Everything I Want (KO)(TFP)(NSFW)

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Knockout x Femme!Reader

This was requested by one of my friends but I'll spare her and won't tag her. I'll also keep the prompt a surprise :)

"It may be a chance we're taking, but it always comes to this...you're all I need"

I vented and closed my optics, sitting on an unused medical berth, waiting for my sparkmate to return. He had been dispatched by Lord Megatron to attend to some of the injured troops in a mine. I didn't know what happened but I heard that one of the vehicons accidentally dropped some unrefined energon and it led to an explosion.

The doors to the med-bay opened with a whoosh and I immediately perked you and glanced over to glance dusty cherry red paint. "Knockout! Sweetspark!" I exclaimed.

The red mech looked up and met my optics and I watched as his frame loosened and his optics brightened and softened. "Aw, was my dollie worried about her mech?" He teased, walking over to me. I rolled my optics and once he was close enough, reached out and placed my servos on his shoulder plates.

"I always worry Knockout. We've been sparkmated for seemingly forever, you're the most important thing in my life. I need you like I need energon." I frowned and he hummed. I felt a slight pull on my spark, it was his side of the bond. I vented and relaxed, smiling as he pushed love and comfort through our bond. Warmth filled my frame and I felt content.

"Say, dollface...mind helping me clean up my frame here? I have too many scratches and you know I hate scratches." He purred and I pretended to think a moment. "Unless the scratches are from you." He added, voice at a low murmur.

I shuddered slightly and looked at him, shrugging. "I guess I can help you." I smiled, hopping off the berth and moving to grab his buffer. "But you know, you tease me and make fun of me, who's to say I won't just scratch your armor more?" I asked, making sure the device was charged.

"Well, if you were to scratch me up...an optic for an optic my dearest sweetspark." He purred. I glanced behind me to see him leaned back against the medical berth, stabilizers crossed, arms folded and the sultriest, sexiest look on his faceplates. I couldn't help a small blush that rose to my faceplates.

"An optic for an optic makes the whole world blind Knockout. You're a surgeon, you should know this." I joked, grabbing a rag and getting it wet to wash off the dirt particles from his frame.

"Ah but yet, it all could've been avoided by not taking my optic in the first place." He replied and I paused to glance at him.

I finally rolled my optics and stepped closer to him, rubbing the rag along his finish and watching the dust disappear. "So what happened?" I asked, moving along his arm to his servo.

He vented and shook his helm, "Some vehicon got startled and dropped a few larger fragments of energon. It exploded and caused a partial cave-in." He growled and I raised an optic ridge, motioning for him to turn so I could get his back. "One almost got his entire arm fragging ripped off while another had some rocks fall onto his stabilizers. Vehicons, I swear they're idiots sometimes."

I vented as I finished, stepping back to grab polish. "Dear, they're sentient too. They make mistakes." I amended and heard my mech vent tiredly.

"I know sweetspark, I was just hoping for some alone time."

I giggled a little and put the polish on different areas of his frame before grabbing the buffer. "You are the only medic here." I reminded and he huffed, shooting me a glare. I smiled and knelt to get his stabilizers, hearing as he purred in delight. I glanced up to see him intently watching me, a certain glint in his optics. "You like me being down here between your stabilizers like this?" I purred, kissing his inner tibulen (thigh).

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