[Request] Serve & Protect (PK)(TFP)

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Predaking x Femme!Reader

This was requested by @CrystalMizaro in which the reader treats Predaking kindly and disproves of how Starscream treats the beast. There's more but that's the gist lol.

"I'll stand by you, won't let nobody hurt you"

"(Y/d)..." A familiar, low, rumbling set of vocals came from behind me and I hummed, turning around to face the towering form of my liege. I offered a small bow out of courtesy, meeting his intense optics. "Starscream seems to be incapable of taking care of my beast, I am putting you in charge of aiding his training." Lord Megatron spoke and I smiled faintly.

"Of course my lord. I would hate for the Predacon to be mistreated." I replied kindly, watching the mech grin slightly before walking off. I would be lying if I said the Predacon didn't scare me at all, I mean it was a metal beat with animalistic instincts. But I also trusted that it wouldn't tear my helm off.

I gathered myself and turned on my heel strut, humming softly as I made my way to the flight deck. I nodded to passing vehicons, hearing a couple murmur under their venting.

Considering I was the only femme aboard a ship full of mechs, I was constantly being admired and sometimes cat-called. There was only a few mechs who didn't show an interest in me, at least outwardly. It made me uncomfortable, having optics on me at all times as they all argued who got to claim my spark. But none of them ever would, I was looking for the right partner. One who loved me, not my frame. Besides, we also had a war.

I finally made it to the doors, typing in the code as they slid open and I was greeted with the sound of clanging metal and a screech. "Get into your kennel you unruly beast! I am your commander!" Starscream shouted, getting a rumbling growl from the Predacon. That urged the mech to raise the pipe in his servo to strike him again.

My optics widened in shock, urging me to race forward and grab the metal object and rip it from the annoying seeker. "Are you out of your fragging processor?! Have you not learned from all the beatings Megatron has given you?! Beating an innocent being will not get them to work with you. Instead, it will instill fear or anger which will lead to said being attacking you in return." I growled, standing between him and the beast. Starscream scoffed, rolling his optics as he crossed his arms. To show him what I meant, I stepped forward and smacked him a couple times with the rod. "See? Doesn't it just make you wanna listen to me and obey me?" I sneered sarcastically, hearing his yelps until I stepped back.

"Was that necessary?!" He screamed and I nodded.

"To get you see my point." I elaborated, hearing him growl as I threw the rod down.

"Then tell me, dear (y/d), how does one get this beast to listen to them?" Starscream prompted and I smiled, stepping back until I was facing the faceplate of the Predacon. I swallowed the anxiety I held, watching his optics narrow as he was clearly on the defensive.

I held up my servos to show I had nothing with the intent to harm him, smiling assuringly. "Heya big fella, it's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm here to help." I cooed, hearing the Predacon snort as he shuffled on his pedes. I gently laid my servos on his muzzle, slowly moving them to pet along his helm soothingly as I felt the beast slowly relax. I could feel Starscream watching intently, his optics boring into me in a mix of awe and annoyance. "My designation is (y/d), I'm a friend." I smiled, slowly stepping back.

"Aren't you just an angel." Starscream mocked and I shrugged, smiling faintly.

"Alright, I know you like it out here but I need you to go into that space there alright? I can get you some energon and you can just relax." I murmured to the creature, stepping aside and directing it to his little "den".

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