Always There (CH)(RB)

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Chase x Human!Reader

"I can count on you..."

I anxiously tapped the side of my phone as I stood in front of my boyfriend's house. Today was our year and a half anniversary and we were supposed to be meeting up to go on a picnic for lunch before just spending a day on the town. Only problem was, he hadn't answered the door. I knocked twice and his car was here so I knew he was here. Why wasn't he answering?

Sighing, I searched around for where he kept his spare key. I lifted up the door mat and paused...he was an idiot. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the key, sliding it into the lock and turning it. I slowly stepped inside and glanced around. I didn't see him anywhere but I could hear something from upstairs.

My brain told me it could be dangerous and that I should call my dad but the other part of me told me that no one broke in. There were no signs of forced entry or anything. So, I quietly made my way the stairs and followed the sounds towards Jason's room. As I got closer, I realized that the sounds were moans and they sounded...female?

"Jason?" I called and pushed open the door only to freeze. Jason was on top of my best friend, fucking her.

Their heads snapped over to me and both fumbled to separate and grab the blanket. "(F-f/n)!" Jason shouted. I growled as tears started to form in my eyes and slammed the door shut behind me as I quickly made my exit. I heard rushed footsteps behind me and I glanced to see both guilty people looking at me. "Let me explain!" Jason shouted and I paused, whirling around.

"Explain what?! How you somehow didn't know you were shoving your dick in someone that wasn't me?! I told you I didn't want to have sex with you so you go to my best friend?!" I screamed. "And you! I fucking trusted you and this is what you do to me?! Some friend you are! I never want to see either of you again! I don't even want to know how long this has been going on, I don't care. I hope you're both happy." I snarled.

I grabbed the thing nearest to me, which happened to be Jason's baseball he played with, and threw it at him. It nailed him right in the crotch and he toppled to the ground screaming. I sent the strangers one last vicious glare before walking out and slamming the door shut. Tears spilled from my eyes and I hugged myself as I walked away. A year and a half and this is what he does to me. We'd all known each other since we were kids and they betrayed me.

I found myself walking towards the bakery, what better way to drown yourself with sorrows than to do it while shoving delicious cupcakes and cookies in your face. Mr. Feiffer was concerned but didn't ask any questions, simply giving me 2 Nutella stuffed chocolate chunk cookies with a warm glass of milk. I sat down at one of the tables and slowly ate the delicious goods, wishing I could drown in the milk.

I knew I was going to have to tell my dad and I would wind up telling the bots too and I had feeling they'd probably set up some sort of murder mission. Maybe not Chase...I wasn't too sure on that. The bots all treasured me like they treasured Cody. I was twins with Dani but I wasn't as confident or strong as her, meaning I ended up in quite a few sticky situations.

I sighed and pulled out my phone, scrolling through the contacts for someone I knew wouldn't plan on killing someone immediately.

Locating Chase's comm number, I clicked the button to call him and pressed the phone to my ear as I took a bite of my cookie. It only rung once before I heard a click and Chase's voice. "(F/n). Is there an issue?" He asked and I sighed.

"Y-yeah you could say that. you think you could come pick me up?" I murmured, voice catching in my throat.

"Shouldn't you be with your male romantic partner?" He questioned.

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