✏️ If Team Prime Became Animals (TFP)

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Autobots x Human!Reader

"Just like animals"

I was currently sitting in my gaurdian's berthroom chilling out. The bots were busy and I didn't feel like being social at the moment. I was listening to music when all of a sudden I heard screams. I jumped up and ran out into the main hangar to see a bunch of cats and dogs. "What the frag...?" They all turned to look at me and ran at me. I screeched and ran away.

As I was running, I tripped over my shoelaces and fell face first into the concrete floor. I heard a multitude of steps and turned to see all the pets surrounding me. "Why did I decide to make base my home?" I groaned. Suddenly, a red, blue and grey wolfdog approached me with a slightly lowered head.

I narrowed my eyes and took in all the details of his coat. "Wait a minute..." The wolfdog nudged my face with his snout. I hesitantly lifted a hand to pet the top of his head. "I looked around and my eyes landed on an orange and white cat. "Ratchet what the hell did you do?" The cat, Ratchet, instantly perked up before glancing away.

"Great...now I gotta figure out how to get you guys back to normal. Not that I have an issue with a bunch of autobot pets but I'm sure y'all don't like it." I slowly stood up and the team all sat in front of me. The wolfdog sat in front of them. "Ok so youve gotta be Prime." I pointed at said wolfdog who nodded.

"Wait you guys can understand me?" I asked to which I got a nod from everyone. "Oh thank Primus, this makes it slightly easier. Except I'm pretty sure you guys can't talk or else you'd be talking." I facepalmed, "Just shut up (f/n)." I muttered. "Ok so I assume Ratchet did a dumb thing and accidentally turned you all to cats and dogs?" I was trying to understand what the hell happened.

Optimus nodded before growling at the orange and white cat. I blew out a breath. I looked around at everyone to place names to them all. There was a doberman with a blueish coat who looked extremely pissed. "Magnus?" I called out, gaining the doberman's attention. "Ok..so you've gotta be Arcee." I pointed down at the blue and pink cat who was now rubbing against me.

I glanced and saw a golden retriever puppy who was white. "OH MY GOD!" I squealed. Everyone recoiled and I quickly apologized. I rushed over to the pup and picked him up. "Smokey?" I asked and the puppy wagged its tail and licked my face. I giggled, "Ahhh you're so cute and little!"

There was a sharp bark from Optimus. "Sorry, sorry. I just love puppies. And I mean, you're all cute so no need to get jelly." I giggled and cradled Smokescreen in my arms. There were two bulldogs, one that was a green hue and the other was white with green and red accents. "Bulkhead and Jackie." I pointed at the two who nodded. I took a deep breath and focused. "Ok...wait where's Bumblebee?" I asked. Everyone glanced around before Optimus trotted over and picked up another puppy by the scruff of the neck and came over to me.

I giggled at the sight which soon turned into full out laughter. I ended up on the floor, placing Smokescreen down so I didn't crush him. Everyone gave me confused looks as I continued to laugh. Optimus gently placed the yellow and black lab pup down. Bee pranced over to me and licked my face. "Awww...I'm not sure I wanna turn you guys back now." I sat with my legs crossed as Smokey and Bee crawled on me.

Magnus stepped forward and growled at me. "Hey, chill out Magnus. I'll get you guys back to normal but I gotta figure out how." I growled back. However, Magnus still wasn't happy and continued to growl at me. Optimus then stepped in front of me and growled back at Magnus who huffed and sat down.

"Ughhh I wish I could understand you guys!" I groaned and got up. "Well then, let's figure this out." I started walking out to the main section when Ratchet bolted out in front of me, almost making me trip. "RATCHET!" I shouted at the cat. He hissed at me and sat in front of me. "You don't just walk in someone's path like that! You could've tripped me!" Ratchet meowed and I rolled my eyes.

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