[Request] Sharpened Skills (WJ)(TFP)

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Wheeljack x Femme!Reader

This was requested by @ThunderBlade16 in which Y/D is restoring an old katana and catches Wheeljack's optic.

"And you are... miracle worker"


Metal grated against metal, silver glinting in the last inklings of light. I hummed softly, grunting as I ran the ridged metal stick over the edge of the Katana blade. My joints ached from the groons {hours} I'd put into restoring this thing but the end result was well worth it.

"Whatcha got there?" A gruff voice startled me from my helm, making me jump as I glanced back and vented at the sight of the familiar mech.

"A spark-attack, thanks to you." I huffed, standing as I cracked out the plating on my backstruts with a grunt. "I found this old thing a while ago, it was rusted and just absolutely horrid. So, I picked it up and decided to give it a new life." I hummed, setting my tools down as Wheeljack raised an optic ridge. I smiled, pulling my datapad from my subspace as I unlocked it and strode over the former wrecker. "See, this is what it looked like before I worked on it." I turned the device to the mech who pushed off the entryway to gaze at the picture.

"There's no way that's the same blade." He blinked and I smiled proudly, grinning. "(Y/d), that Katana is beyond repair! Look at it! The blade doesn't look like it fits to the hilt anymore because it's all rusted, not to mention the blade itself is rusty too. The hilt is deformed and appears to be breaking just by looking at it... I just can't believe it." He shook his helm and I hummed, only serving to raise my pride level.

"Well. Jackie, it is. I obviously had to do some major work and even reshaped the blade a bit and made a new hilt but it's the same Katana." I nodded, flicking through the progress pictures. Wheeljack eased the datapad from my servos, following me over to my workstation.

He whistled lowly, looking over the shiny metal. "Where'd you learn to forge like this?" He glanced at me as I put the hilt on the table.

"My sire, he was a bit of a forger. He dabbled in a lot of the sculpting arts and picked up forging. He'd spend cycles in his workshop, my carrier hated it. The only time I really got to see him was in that musty garage, and once I was old enough he started teaching me what he knew. I can create all sorts of melee weapons, but I like restoring them." A smile spread over my dermas as I gazed over my own workshop. Wheeljack hummed and I took it as an indication to continue. "A lot of bots see something old and worn down and toss it aside, because there's always something newer, better, prettier. But, they forget that the old things were one better, prettier and the thing everyone wanted. They had value. I like to respect that beauty and bring it back out. Because, just because something is old, doesn't mean it can't still be a treasure." I gazed over my finished projects with a buzzing in my spark.

"Why do I feel like you're not just talking about swords now?" He prompted and I gazed over at him with a shrug.

"None of us are getting any younger Jackie, if no one else is going to appreciate the beauty of the old, I will." I nodded, venting. He nodded with a small grin, both of us lapsing in silence. I slowly got back to piecing together the katana, offering Wheeljack free range of my tools to fix up his own weapons while I focused on the katana in my grasp.

A steady tune made its way through my shop, striking of a hammer against metal, blow torches and the sharp sound of metal slicing against metal. It was a comfort, something that made me feel at home despite all the hardship that faced the world from which I came. War wasn't pretty, it had taken everything from us, but now it was restored and begging to be revitalized. I had found where I used to live, tearing down what had remained of my dwelling to rebuild. It was almost complete now, but my first priority had been this shop. It was hardly anything when I returned, but there were the bones and I used it to rebuild and make it my own. There were some of the things my sire had made in the carnage, things that were now in display with a shrine to my creators -they had given me everything.

After a few groons of work, my katana was complete and sharpened. Wheeljack had finished sharpening and polishing his katanas a little while ago but was content to watch me work.

"Wanna try it out? I'm not the best with katanas. I'm more of a blaster fem." I quirked a grin at my companion who nodded, gingerly taking the weapon from me. I moved and grabbed different projectiles, standing a safe distance away before facing the mech. "Ready?" I hummed, readying the first object.

"Oh yeah, let's see how well this baby works." He grinned and I rolled my optics before tossing each of the objects in succession. The blade easily pierced everything I threw, not chipping or breaking at all. "Wow, you did well with this. It's perfect.." Wheeljack breathed and I chuckled.

"Thanks Jackie, I do my best." I smiled, meeting his optics. There weren't many occasions in which he let his soft side out, but here in the safety of my workshop I was glad he felt safe to let his walls down. "Hey, um.. I don't really have a use for it and considering you love katanas... do you want it?" I tilted my helm, the former wrecker blinking.

"Oh I couldn't take this from you, you put so much time and effort into it. It.. it's art." He waved a servo and I snickered, smirking.

"Wheeljack, how is anyone supposed to appreciate something so beautiful if it's not showed off. Here it'll sit on a wall and collect dust. I insist." I pushed the katana towards him, watching as he stared at me a moment before slowly grabbing it.

"Well, I suppose it is the right weight and length for me.." He mused, twirling it as I crossed my arms. "And I mean, you said you weren't one for melee weapons." He added and my optic ridges raised.

I cocked my hip as he admired my handiwork, shaking my helm. "Jackie, I mean it. Take it." I huffed and he hummed.

"Alright, but only because it was an old hunk of scrap and I don't want to make you feel bad." He conceded, slipping the katana in a sheath as I snorted.


"One condition. You teach me how to do this." He folded his arms and I grinned.

"It would be my pleasure."

A/n: Another short one, I know. I'm sorry heh- but yknow sometimes it's fun to just treasure the little things. This is my last gift of 2021, hopefully paving the road for a better 2022. It's been a rough year, filled with new sorts of struggles, but I think I'm finding my footing and hopefully here with time, my will to write will come back full force. It's been awhile, and I've missed it. Thank you all so much, especially for sticking with me. I hope to see you all in the new year.

Song: Way Maker - LeeLand

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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