✏️ Dance with Me (SM)(TFP)

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Smokescreen x Human!Reader

"Come on and dance with me"

"Hey (f/n)! Who are you going to the dance with?" One of the popular girls called out to me. I sighed and slowly turned around to face them. "Oh don't be silly. No one would ever go with her!" The 'leader' laughed. I rolled my eyes, "Now you wouldn't know that because I'm not going." I replied. "Probably cus no one's asked her." One of the others murmured. I shook my head with a sigh and turned back around.

I walked down the front steps of the school to my awaiting guardian. "Hey (f/n)!" Miko called to me. I turned and leaned back a little against Smokescreen's alt. form. "Wassup?" I asked. "Wanna go shopping for an outfit tonight?" She asked. "No, I'm  not going to the dance. I'll just chill like with Smokescreen or something instead." I huffed.

Smokey's engine purred a little as I mentioned hanging with him. Miko crossed her arms and leaned towards me. "Come on girl, show those girls that you aren't going to let them win." I shook my head and opened the passenger side door, sliding into the seat. Smokescreen shut the door and wrapped the seatbelt around me as I rolled the window down. "Look Miko, dances just aren't really my thing ok?" I looked towards her.

While it's true, I'm not much for dances, I've also just had a bad history with going to dances with people. Everytime I've went with either friends or a date, they just end up leaving me to do whatever leaving me alone and to my own devices. I heard Miko sigh as she walked off. Smokescreen rolled up the window and I saw his holoform appear. "You alright?" He asked.

I jumped a little as he snapped me out of my thoughts, "Hm? Oh, yeah I'm fine." I assured. "What's this dance I've been hearing about?" He asked as he started driving towards the base. "Oh, just a stupid school thing where teens go to the gym later in the night dressed up and party and whatever." I sighed. "Sounds like fun." He chuckled. I shook my head, "Yeah, no..it's not." After that, Smokescreen kinda let it go, getting the hint I didn't want to talk about it.


All the other kids were running around, fixing themselves up for the dance while I sat on the couch, scrolling through my phone. "What in the allspark in going on?" Ratchet asked. "The kids are going to a school dance." Arcee explained. "(f/n), you're not going?" Ratchet turned to me. I looked up at him and shook my head. "Come on, you ought to go with them." He raised an optic ridge at me.

Ratchet kind of took on a father like role with me hence his easy tone. I sighed and decided it would be best to just not fine. "Well, I would but I don't have an outfit nor a date." I ran a hand through my hair. Even if I wanted to go, which I really don't, I'm no where near prepared for a dance. Miko grabbed my arm and drug me to the bathroom. "Miko what are you-" I started to ask as she shoved a dress into my chest.

"What..?" I slowly grabbed the dress. "I got another one just in case you changed your mind. Also, I can't just get one outfit." She smiled. "Now, get dressed and I'll get shoes and some other stuff to get you ready." She pushed me into a stall. I took a deep breath and slowly took off my current outfit and slid on the dress. It was a red, v-neck dress with long sleeves. The sleeves had slits along the arm except around my wrist and shoulder. It reached just to my knees.

I heard Miko come back into the bathroom. I slowly walked out of the stall and Miko looked me over. "You look amazing!" She exclaimed. She held out a pair of heels to me and I slid them on before she did my hair and makeup. When she was done, I looked into the mirror and I almost didn't recognize myself. "Woah..it's been awhile since I've done stuff like this to myself." I stated a little quietly.

I smiled at my reflection. "I guess we should get out there before I cause us to be late." I mentioned. Miko and I walked out and made our way back into the main hangar where everyone was standing around, even the autobots had their holoforms out. "Guys, let me introduce you to (f/n) (l/n)!" Miko shouted. Everyone turned to face us and their faces all lit up at the sight of me.

I gave a nervous wave. "H-hey guys." I whispered. Everyone came up to me and hugged me. Ratchet was the last to let go, "You look beautiful." He smiled. I chuckled a little, "Thanks Ratch." "Yeeaaahh! Now let's go to a dance!" Miko screeched. "Wait, I don't have a date..." I interrupted. Everyone parted a path and Smokescreen's holoform stepped towards me. "Who said that?" He asked playfully.

He was dressed in a nice simple suit and had his hair slicked back. He held out a pink rose to me, "Will you allow me to accompany you to the dance?" He asked with a small blush. "Of course Smokey." I smiled and stepped forward, kissing his cheek. "Alright let's get going." Arcee spoke up.


I was actually having quite a bit of fun at the dance with Smokescreen. Miko was with Bulk and Jack was with Raf just hanging out. Smokes had been sticking close to me, rarely leaving my side. The song we were dancing to was ending and I turned to my 'date'. I smiled at him and he chuckled. A slow song started to play and I started making my way off the dance floor when I felt a hand grab my arm. I was then pulled into a chest and looked up to see it was Smokescreen.

"C'mon, I spent a good amount of time learning how to slow dance, why not dance with me." He smirked. I smiled and nodded as I wrapped my arms around his neck, his arms wrapped around my waist. We danced for a bit until I heard the all too familiar snarky comments. "Oh wow, wonder how much she paid him to come with her." I heard one of the popular girls state.

I froze and buried my face into Smokescreen's shoulder. "Hey, I know something that might shut them up." He whispered into my ear. I picked my head up and raised an eyebrow at him. Before I had time to form a question, Smokescreen swiftly leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips. He lingered for a bit and we heard the girls gasp and walk away.

He pulled away and his face was dusted with a blush, "Sorry, I suppose I should've-" I interrupted him by grabbing his face with my hands and crashing my lips against his. Our lips moved in sync and the kiss got deeper. We finally pulled away and looked at each other. "I-I'm so sorry Smokescreen!" I walked backwards away from him, panicking. He reached forward and grabbed me. He pressed a kiss to my cheek, "I didn't know that's how femmes respond to a short makeout." He teased.

I looked off to the side. "I don't know why you're apologizing (f/n). I kissed you back, if it weren't welcome I would've easily pushed you away." He assured. He pulled me closer to him and tipped my head to look at him. He pressed another short kiss to my lips and smiled. He grabbed my hand and led me away from the crowd.

We decided to just go out to the car and we got into his alt. form. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for an amazing night Smokey." I grinned. "How would you like to be my, what is they're called, girlfriend?" He suddenly asked. I froze for a moment before relaxing, "I'd love to." I smiled and he leaned over and we kissed. It slowly got more and more heated to the point he'd pulled me into his lap. One of his hands was running along my thigh while the other was against my side.

I had my hand tangled into his hair. We pulled away just enough to take a breath. We were both panting a little and smiling like idiots. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash and we looked to see Miko taking a picture. I huffed and shook my head before sliding over to the passenger seat. "Best. Night. Ever!" I smiled.

Song: Dance - D.N.C.E.

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