28. Kitchen Islands & Tiredness

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The bed was the canvas,
we were the art.


*Explicit Content*

Harry's POV :

"So..how does it feel to be a loser?" Thea asked with a wide smirk.

She's been asking that same question since we got into this damn car. And I swear that if I hear it one more time I will be throwing her out of it.

I had just pulled over to the side of the road outside of my penthouse, being too lazy to drive it down to the garage. I turned off the engine and looked over at her with a frown set between my eyebrows.

"If I wouldn't have lost my shoe, I would've won!" I defended, making her smile grow even wider.

I wasn't actually mad at her, she was great competition. But fuck me, I hate losing.

I should probably be glad she won, though. Because I know for a fact that she's definitely a way worse loser than me. And seeing her smile like this, made it worth losing.

Her dark brown hair was put up in a ponytail, but she had small hairs sticking out all over the place since we just ran really fucking long with the wind against us.

I also noticed that she was wearing one of my hoodies she stole, or well, she asked me if she could 'barrow' it. She's too kind to steal. But I know for sure that I won't be getting my hoodies back from her anytime soon.

She has such a doubled personality, but they blend perfectly together. She's an extremely kind hearted girl who puts everyone else above herself. I mean just look at this past week, she's literally been glued to Amelia just to check if she's okay.

Of course I don't mind her helping her best friend, I just hope she doesn't forget to take care of herself in between.

She's very calm and mature, but she can also be extremely energetic and childish. And let's not forget about her being a bad bitch. She basically doesn't give a single fuck about what people say to her, which I find very endearing.

But I know that she's hiding something deep down. Ever since our conversation back in Italy when she told me that she once thought she had found her sun but then the love was gone, told me that someone had hurt her.

It's not any of my business, so I've decided against asking her a couple of times. But hopefully she'll tell me, if she ever feel like she wants to.

But sitting here next to her staring at her small dimples as she smiles is when I feel at peace.

No one has ever made me feel the way she does, and it's really fucking scary.

I just don't wanna mess it up.

"You in there, Curly?" Thea's voice said, which made me snap back to reality.

"Sorry, let's go inside." I smiled and she nodded in response. I made my way out of the car and then hurried around to the passenger seat to open her door.

"Thank you." She chuckled as she kissed my cheek lightly.

I've been trying to act more soft with her.

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