22. Mornings & Elevators

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Appreciation for this goddess today :)

Thea's POV :

The room was really fucking bright, and I felt a tiny bit annoyed at Harry for not using his blinders, I mean his whole bedroom basically consists of windows.

I'm not really sure what time it is, probably around nine a.m, and I literally just woke up and the first thing I thought about was..


Harry. Surprise!

I'm so obsessed with him, poor guy doesn't know what he just got himself into. Anyways, I'm extremely happy after how well our conversation went last night, we are..well, something.

At least something is better than nothing, so I'm loving it.

I could feel his arm draped around my waist, and I felt such happiness inside me when I realized that he stayed..which means that he really meant what he said last night, because if it's not Harry spooning me then I really need to call the cops.

I turned around in his arms, and there he was, the most handsome man to walk this earth, and he's laying in the same bed as me..shirtless I may add.

I was just wearing his shirt and panties, maybe that's too soon? I certainly hope not, because I'm about to steal all of his hoodies..well if he allowed me to.

I don't have a problem wearing little clothing around Harry, it might be because of the modeling I'm so used to people being around me when I'm basically naked all the time.

I traced my fingers gently over his pink plump lips, they were slightly parted since he was sleeping and he looked absolutely adorable. His curls were a mess on the pillow we shared, and Harry's bed is huge, but we still ended up sleeping on the same pillow together. I don't why, I just like to have him close to me, it makes me feel safe.

Next I travelled my fingertips up to his smooth cheek, I caressed it carefully before I started to carefully fix his eyebrows, they were very bushy and in need of some plucking. It looked cute on him, though, so I just dragged my fingers over his eyebrows till all the hairs were pointing the same way.

His facial features were perfect, and I'd do anything to meet his parents, I mean I'd love to see the two people who created such a beautiful piece of art together.

Talking about parents, I missed mine a lot. The last time I was in Arizona was during Christmas last year, and it's already September. I think I'm going home for Christmas this year as well, unless something else gets in the way.

I talked to my mom yesterday on the phone and everything was fine back home, I hate being so far away from them, ever since I moved here I've always been scared of something happening to them when I'm not there. My parents are my best friends and I wouldn't know what to do without them, that's why it was extremely hard for me as an eighteen year old to move across the country, but I mean look where it got me.

My career would've never been as big as it is now if I still lived in Phoenix, I did think a lot about moving to Los Angles instead since it's a lot closer to Phoenix, but in the end my dream had always been to live in New York, so I followed my heart.

Suddenly I felt a peck on my hand that I was still caressing Harry's face with, I looked at him and saw that he was now very much awake with a big smirk on his face.

"Good morning." His deep morning voice rasped. The green in his eyes were sparkling because of the angle the sunlight was hitting him in, and of course he looked drop dead gorgeous.

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