38. Cakes & Surprises

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I loved you long before I had
the guts to let you know


Thea's POV:

New York City, a lovely place to live you might think. Which it is, but there's two things that makes it shit.

Number one, Paparazzi. You can't go anywhere in this damn city without bumping into a paparazzi and especially not when they all act like you're some animal at a zoo.

Number two, the weather. It's now the beginning of December and I'm freezing my ass off constantly. As always everyone thinks I'm overreacting just because I'm born and raised in Arizona..they might be right, but it's still cold ass fuck.

I'm now walking to Harry's penthouse again, it's been two days since the whole incident with the paparazzi, but I feel just fine. Harry wasn't overjoyed with my decision to walk instead of getting a cab, he even told me to wait and that he'd send Benjamin to pick me up. Obviously I declined.

Nothing has really happened these past two days though, well except for the mental amount of followers I've gotten just because I'm now known as 'Harry Styles girlfriend'. I definitely appreciate it, but I guess I feel a lot more pressure now to actually make a name for myself.

I mean I'm Thea Lewis not only Harry's girlfriend. It's a big honor to be his though, but I just want people to also know me for me. And follow me because they like what I post or agree with my statements, not because I'm basically a Harry Styles fan account.

I will try to not make a big deal out of everything and just be myself on my social medias and hope for the best.

As I turned the corner to Harry's street I wasn't surprised when I saw three paparazzis standing outside. They're fucking ruthless and doesn't give a fuck about how we feel. It definitely became a little better after Harry's post, but they're still far from gone.

Of course paparazzis will always hang around in New York, it's just the fact that they're waiting outside of Harry's home that's annoying the shit out of me.

I sighed heavily the moment they saw me. And immediately they turned their cameras on and rushed to me.

"Thea! Hello, how are you doing today?" One of the men asked with way too much enthusiasm in his voice. I put a fake smile on my face and replied simply.

"Just fine."

"Any new photoshoots coming out soon?" A long haired man asked.

"You'll have to stay tuned to find out." I said casually, trying my very best to walk away from them.

"How's Harry? Do you really trust him as a boyfriend after his past with women?" Another one asked and I felt my blood start boiling slightly at his question.

Calm down, Thea. No need to attack.

"I do, he's amazing." I answered as I kept walking towards the entrance to Harry's building.

"Do you think he has what it takes to keep you as a girlfriend?" The same paparazzi asked again and this time I couldn't hold myself back.

At least I tried. But when this idiot asks something that I know is one of Harry's biggest insecurities I'm not gonna let it slip past.

I love him, and I would take any bullet Joanna might wanna fire at me after this.

"Excuse me, but who do you think you are?" I questioned as I stopped walking to stare at the bald slim man who asked the question. He looked shocked by my reaction but I didn't give him any time to answer. "Do you really not have anything better to do with your life than to stalk me and my boyfriend and ask pathetic questions that are first of all, none of your damn business. Second of all, extremely fucked up since you don't know either me or Harry. And third of all, just overall lacking something very important called respect." I stated, probably sounding very pissed off.

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