4. Mini Pigs & Denials

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I'm ✨fine✨

Thea's POV :

"Huh?" I asked slightly confused of his question. Harry smirked and this was the first time I took a real look on what he was wearing. He had a small golden crown in his hair and that Kimono thing, obviously, and a striped suit. He looked rich. But I mean it's Gucci, everyone looks rich in Gucci.

"Saw something you liked?" Harry asked with a cocky smile, and that's when I realized he had caught me checking him out. Damn it, Thea! You had one job, one job! Now he's going to think that I fancy him, okay no, I need to clear the air a bit.

"First of all no I didn't." I lied. Cmon he's Harry Styles for fucks sakes, obviously I saw something I liked, but sadly not someone I liked. "And a cacta is a cactus, it just came out wrong in the moment." I explained as I tried my very best to focus my eyes on his only, but dear mother of Jesus, his eyes are gorgeous! His piercing green eyes stared straight into my soul and I mentally cursed myself. Is there something ugly on this man? Cause I definitely can't find it.

"Well, you look good." Harry stated as he dragged his eyes over my body. I felt my heartbeat quicken a bit at this, but I soon remembered that this is what he always does, he charms a girl, fuck her and then dump her.

So that's why I decided that I wouldn't fall for it.

"I know." I answered and walked away towards the people with cameras. I never looked back at him, I just kept on walking until I reached the man with a big camera.

"Hi, I'm Thea Lewis. Are you the photographer for today?" I asked sweetly. The man looked up and smiled kindly.

"Yes I am, it's great to meet you Thea. I'm John. We're actually supposed to start the shoot now, do you know where Mr. Styles is?" John asked as he started getting his camera ready.

"No, I haven't seen him." I responded to which John nodded his head and gave someone a signature to find Harry.

I knew exactly where Harry was though, but I don't care. If he can be a fuckboy I can be a bitch, simple math. It didn't take the person long to find him sadly, because before I knew it Harry showed up next to the petite man who went looking for him. And of course it looked like a fucking runway show.

Harry's looks pisses me off, it's not fair for other males that he looks like that, I mean how are they ever gonna be able to beat that? They simply can't.

"Okay, great now that you're both here we can start." The director said who I'm pretty sure is named Ben. "So, we are going to have some mini pigs in this shoot, I hope you're both fine with it." Ben explained and I felt my knees go weak when I saw three small mini pigs come closer to us. I love animals. And these looked so freaking adorable.

"Hi, you're so cute." I shimmed as I crunched down in front of the one closest to me. I petted it gently since I didn't really know how a mini pig would react to it, but it seemed to like it.

"Pigs aren't cute." Harry stated as he stood next to me. I looked up at him with a frown on my face. Does this man ever have any positive things to say? I can't believe he would say that a mini pig isn't cute, I mean I would lowkey respect his opinion if it was a full grown pig, but a mini pig? Is he blind?

"Don't be so bitter Styles." I said as I stood up again. Harry rolled his eyes but I could see a hint of a small smirk on his perfect shaped lips. I swear that smirk is haunted, one look at it and there's no going back.

"We really need to get this shoot going. Harry pick one of the mini pigs up and Thea lean a bit more towards Harry." John spoke up. Time to put the poker face on. I stepped a bit closer to Harry as he bent down to pick up the pig nearest him. The pig seemed extremely calm and relaxed in Harry's arms and honestly it didn't look like he minded it.

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