40. Guitars & Thoughts

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I think a soulmate is
someone who will make you
be the most "you" that you
can possibly be


Thea's POV :

Waking up to the sound of waves rolling up on the beach and birds singing calmly in the background was probably the most beautiful and peaceful way to ever wake up. And not to mention the extremely hot shirtless Brit sleeping next to me. His arms were wrapped tightly around my body and his chest was firmly pressed against my back. And the smell of his cologne..

God, that cologne will be the death of me one day.

His scent was addicting and I would gladly drown in it forever. I knew I wouldn't be able to ever feel the smell of the familiar Tobacco Vanille ever again without thinking of Harry. And I'm not mad about it.

I felt him stir slightly behind me and I immediately turned around in his arms so I would be able to watch his pretty face as he woke up. I don't know why, but there was something special about just staring at him when he was so relaxed and peaceful. Even though I loved it, I couldn't help but miss the bright emerald green color of his eyes that were currently closed.

I gently placed my forefinger on his chin and slowly moved it up to his plump pink lips so that I could trace them softly. He scrunched his nose up at the feeling and I couldn't help but let out a small giggle. He was truly adorable, even though he'd never admit to that.

I knew he had woken up, but like always he was too lazy and morning tired to actually open his eyes. So I leaned forward slightly and kissed the corner of his mouth, I felt his lips widen into a small smile at the action and it didn't take long until he finally blinked his eyes open. They locked with mine immediately and the smile that was already on his lips got automatically even bigger.

"Good morning, handsome." I stated and pressed another kiss to his cheek. He groaned and stretched out his limbs before he let out a yawn.

"Morning, Silver." He rasped out in his deep, and may I add incredibly sexy morning voice. I swear if we didn't have things to do today I would've stayed in bed and had some fun with the emotions I was currently feeling. But no, we had a day, or well a week, full of photoshoots and styling ahead of us.

"What time is it?" He questioned and sat up slightly in bed, which to my enjoyment made the sheet drop down to his lap and his whole naked upper body was visible to me. I shrugged my shoulders and looked out to the beautiful ocean.

"No clue, but look at this view..wow." I breathed out as I stared dreamily at it. Harry smirked and looked down at me with a cheeky look.

"Eh, it's alright," he started as he moved his hand to the sheet and lifted it up so he could peek under it and see my bare breasts. "But these, these are what I call a beautiful view." He whispered seductively which caused me to let out a light laugh, but that died down pretty quickly when he decided to dive underneath the sheet and kiss my breasts all over. I gasped at the feeling of his tongue running over my hardened nipples and it took every single last bit of my self control to make him pull away.

Once I had successfully gotten his head out from beneath the sheet he had a big smirk on his face. I raised my eyebrows at him which he only seemed to find even funnier.

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